Hwb i hyder darpar fyfyrwyr mewn cyfres o ddigwyddiadau agored y...
Bydd Coleg Cambria yn arddangos ei ystod eang o gyrsiau, cymwysterau a phrentisiaethau yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf.
Bydd y sesiynau yn cael eu cynnal...
College will Spring into March with series of open events for...
PROSPECTIVE students will have Spring in their step at a series of college open events.
Coleg Cambria is to showcase its wide range of courses,...
MAE RHAGLEN brentisiaeth newydd arloesol yn hybu sgiliau ac uchelgeisiau gweithwyr...
Lansiwyd Prentisiaeth Gradd Adeiladu gyntaf Cymru wedi'i hariannu'n llawn ym mis Medi ac mae eisoes yn helpu dysgwyr i osod y sylfeini ar gyfer...
Inaugural apprenticeship programme building skills and aspirations of construction workers in...
AN INNOVATIVE new apprenticeship programme is building the skills and aspirations of construction workers.
Wales’s first fully funded Construction Degree Apprenticeship was launched in September...
Cylch cyflawn i gyn brentis sydd bellach yn Weinidog yn y...
Cafodd y gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am bolisi prentisiaethau Cymru gyfle yr wythnos hon i ddychwelyd i'r coleg lle bu ef ei hun yn astudio...
Full circle for former apprentice turned government Minister
Then and now... The minister responsible for apprenticeship policy in Wales returned this week to the college where he himself studied as an apprentice to...
College unveils £10m agriculture building and new staff following surge in...
RECRUITMENT of new lecturers and the opening of a £10m agriculture and education building will help meet demand following a surge in students at...
BYDD RECRIWTIO darlithwyr newydd ac agor adeilad amaeth ac addysg gwerth...
Dadorchuddiodd Coleg Cambria Llysfasi yr Hwb Arloesi arloesol radd flaenaf - gyda nawdd o dros £5.9m o Raglen Cymunedau Cynaliadwy ar gyfer Dysgu Llywodraeth...
College among top institutions in the UK for work with young...
COLEG CAMBRIA cemented its place among the top institutions in the country for its work with young adult carers.
Cambria received QSCS (Quality Standard in...
Mae COLEG CAMBRIA wedi cadarnhau ei le ymhlith sefydliadau gorau’r wlad...
Cambria oedd un o’r 10 coleg cyntaf yn y DU i ennill y dystysgrif QSCS (Safon Ansawdd mewn Cymorth i Ofalwyr) gyntaf erioed yn...
Hundreds of learners join celebration of entrepreneurship in Wrexham and Flintshire
HUNDREDS of learners and staff at Coleg Cambria joined a celebration of business and innovation.
The college marked Global Entrepreneurship Week with events and activities...
MAE CANNOEDD o ddysgwyr a staff yng Ngholeg Cambria wedi cymryd...
Roedd y coleg wedi cynnal digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau ar ei safleoedd yn Llaneurgain, Wrecsam, a Glannau Dyfrdwy i gydnabod Wythnos Entrepreneuriaeth Fyd-eang.
Roedd Cambria wedi...
Hundreds attend college events to promote LGBTQ+ awareness in North Wales
HUNDREDS of students joined events to celebrate and promote LGBTQ+ awareness.
As part of Coleg Cambria’s successful Culture Collective series, more than 230 learners attended...
Fe wnaeth cannoedd o fyfyrwyr ymuno mewn digwyddiadau i ddathlu a...
Fel rhan o gyfres lwyddiannus Culture Collective Coleg Cambria, aeth dros 230 o ddysgwyr i weithdai a chyflwyniadau gwadd ar safleoedd y coleg yng...
TRES BIEN! Mae cyn-athro cerdd wedi dechrau ysgrifennu caneuon yn Ffrangeg...
Fe wnaeth y talentog Paul Fisher, o Wrecsam, berfformio rhai o’i gyfansoddiadau newydd i gyd-ddysgwyr yng Ngholeg Cambria Iâl yr wythnos hon.
Roedd Paul, a...
French connection inspires ex-music teacher to pursue solo career with songs...
TRES BIEN! A former music teacher has started writing songs in French after being inspired by tutors on a college languages course.
Talented Paul Fisher,...
Bu Coleg Cambria yn cefnogi academi tennis poblogaidd a aeth o...
Mae’r bartneriaeth rhwng Cambria a Table Tennis Wales wedi bod yn llwyddiant ysgubol, gyda channoedd o chwaraewyr yn cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau cymunedol dros...
College rallies behind table tennis academy after year of smashing success
COLEG CAMBRIA rallied behind a popular tennis academy which went from strength to strength in 2024.
The strategic partnership between Cambria and Table Tennis Wales...
College to launch new higher education strategy to plug skills gaps...
COLEG CAMBRIA designed a new strategy aimed at flexible higher education for workers and adult learners.
The Higher Technical Skills Strategy will be launched in...
Mae Coleg Cambria ar flaen y gad mewn ymgyrch genedlaethol i...
Gyda gweithlu o weldwyr sy'n heneiddio yn y DU - amcangyfrifir y bydd 50% ohonynt yn ymddeol yn y tair blynedd nesaf - bydd...
Rise in welding apprentices at top college could help meet UK...
COLEG CAMBRIA is at the forefront of a nationwide campaign to meet a surge in demand for tens of thousands of new welders.
With an...
DYCHWELODD canwr-gyfansoddwr talentog i’r coleg i ddathlu diwylliant Cymru.
Roedd Megan Lee yn arwain y digwyddiad Culture Collective diweddaraf a gynhaliwyd yng Ngholeg Cambria Llysfasi, ger Rhuthun.
Yn raddedig o Cambria Iâl, dechreuodd Megan...
BYDD swyddi Eidalaidd yn ysbrydoli myfyrwyr ar y ffordd i’w gyrfaoedd...
Aeth 25 o ddysgwyr o Goleg Cambria Glannau Dyfrdwy i Dysgani a Fflorens am bythefnos ar ymweliad addysg a chyflogaeth.
Treuliodd y grwpiau - o...
Italian jobs inspire North Wales students to explore opportunities overseas
TALIAN jobs will inspire students on the road to their chosen careers.
Twenty-five learners from Coleg Cambria Deeside journeyed to Tuscany and Florence for a...
Great chemistry helps skilled students to science award success
GREAT chemistry helped skilled students win a science award.
A talented duo from Coleg Cambria – which has sites in Northop, Llysfasi, Deeside and Wrexham...
ENILLODD myfyrwyr medrus wobr wyddoniaeth diolch i gemeg gwych.
Roedd deuawd dalentog o Goleg Cambria – sydd â safleoedd yn Llaneurgain, Llysfasi, Glannau Dyfrdwy a Wrecsam – yn rhan o dîm buddugol Chweched...
New Year will bring new part-time programmes at North Wales college
THE new year will bring new opportunities to study at Coleg Cambria.
The college – based in Wrexham, Northop, Deeside and Llysfasi – has unveiled...
BYDD y flwyddyn newydd yn dod â chyfleoedd newydd i astudio...
Mae'r coleg - sydd wedi'i leoli yn Wrecsam, Llaneurgain, Glannau Dyfrdwy a Llysfasi - wedi cyflwyno cyfres o gyrsiau rhan-amser hyblyg a hygyrch a...
College ramps up mental health campaign with further events this autumn
COLEG CAMBRIA has taken the support of students and staff to new levels.
In addition to events and activities around World Mental Health Day and...
Mae Coleg Cambria yn cymryd y cam nesaf wrth gefnogi myfyrwyr...
Yn ychwanegol at ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Bydd ac Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl – a gafodd eu cynnal yn gynharach eleni...
Transformative college jobs programme builds back from pandemic with rise in...
A TRANSFORMATIVE training and development programme providing career opportunities for college learners is building back from the pandemic.
The Jobs Growth Wales+ scheme at Coleg...
Chef student ready to turn up the heat at international cooking...
A COLEG CAMBRIA learner is ready to turn up the heat in one of the world’s most prestigious cooking contests.
Sion Hughes will compete in...
Nature and wildlife jobs expo a hit with students in North...
LEADING names in wildlife, nature and conservation showcased career opportunities for students at a college event.
Organisations from across North Wales and beyond met with...
Fe wnaeth dysgwyr ymroddedig loywi diwrnod y myfyrwyr a’r staff yng...
Ymunodd y grŵp o bedwar - Zoe Boothman, Sarah Astbury, Gracie Gee, ac Andrei-Alexandru Bordea - â thîm Ystadau'r coleg i gasglu sbwriel ar...
Students join waste company in collecting college litter on World Clean-Up...
DEDICATED learners brightened the day of students and staff at Coleg Cambria.
The four-strong group - Zoe Boothman, Sarah Astbury, Gracie Gee, and Andrei-Alexandru Bordea...
Mae CRIW o ymchwilwyr addysgu yn paratoi i suddo eu dannedd...
Efallai mai'r 'Bigger Boat Challenge' – sy'n gyfeiriad at y ffilm Jaws o 1975 – fydd yr her anoddaf eto i Karl Jackson a'i gydweithwyr yng...
Educating explorers to get their Jaws around epic charity expedition
A BAND of educating explorers are preparing to get their Jaws around an epic charity expedition.
The Bigger Boat Challenge – referencing the 1975 movie hit, Jaws – could...
Hoffai ddisgyblion ac athrawon mewn ysgol bentref ddiolch i Goleg Cambria...
Mae Mike Ward, darlithydd Gwaith Saer ac Asiedydd ar safle Ffordd y Bers Cambria yn Wrecsam, wedi treulio blynyddoedd yn dylunio ac adeiladu dodrefn,...
School unveils ‘fabulous’ outdoor learning space thanks to kind college lecturer
PUPILS and teachers at a village school wood like to thank Coleg Cambria for a generous donation.
Mike Ward, a Carpentry and Joinery lecturer at...
College nursery has ‘Excellent’ start to academic year following revamp and...
A COLLEGE nursery had an ‘Excellent’ start to the academic year with an outstanding inspection result.
The report by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and Estyn...
Cafodd meithrinfa ddechrau ‘Rhagorol’ i’r flwyddyn academaidd gyda chanlyniad arolygiad rhagorol.
Cafodd Meithrinfa Toybox, sydd wedi'i lleoli yng Ngholeg Cambria Glannau Dyfrdwy, ei nodi'n Rhagorol mewn tri chategori - Llesiant, Gofal a Datblygiad, ac Arwain...
Ar ôl ymweliad ysbrydoledig â Sbaen, mae’r myfyrwyr wedi’u swyno i...
Treuliodd grŵp o ddysgwyr Peirianneg Sain o Goleg Cambrig Glannau Dyfrdwy bythefnos yn Barcelona fel rhan o raglen addysg ac ymchwil.
Mewn partneriaeth â’r sefydliad...
Students on track for careers in music after taking Spanish steps...
STUDENTS are on track for careers in music following an inspirational visit to Spain.
A group of Sound Engineering learners from Coleg Cambria Deeside spent...
Mae cyfarwyddwr ffilmiau enwog wedi cael ei sbotoleuo gan fyfyrwyr Coleg...
Gwnaeth Neil Marshall, sydd wedi gweithio ar Hellboy, Game of Thrones, Westworld, a Dog Soldiers, ymweld ag adran Cyfryngau Creadigol y coleg ar gyfer...
Game of Thrones director turns spotlight on media industry for North...
A RENOWNED movie director was put under the spotlight by Coleg Cambria students.
Neil Marshall, whose credits include Hellboy, Game of Thrones, Westworld, and Dog Soldiers, paid a...
Animal therapist holds lameness workshop for zookeepers at popular wildlife park
Matthew Shackleton, a Chester-based veterinary physio, zoo consultant and animal care practitioner at Coleg Cambria Northop, discussed and demonstrated lameness and enrichment devices at...
Gwnaeth gweithiwr blaenllaw mewn therapi anifeiliaid gynnal gweithdai i fyfyrwyr a...
Gwnaeth Matthew Shackleton, ffisiotherapydd, ymgynghorydd sŵau ac ymarferydd gofal anifeiliaid yng Ngholeg Cambria Llaneurgain, drafod ac arddangos cloffni a dyfeisiau cyfoethogi ym Mharc Bywyd...
YMUNODD Ysgrifennydd Addysg Cymru, Lynne Neagle, â myfyrwyr yn dathlu canlyniadau...
Bu Aelod Seneddol Torfaen yn cyfarfod dysgwyr yn Wrecsam wrth iddyn nhw gael eu graddau, ochr yn ochr â phrif weithredwr Cambria, Yana Williams.
COLEG CAMBRIA – Student on the road to caring career after...
ZOE BAYLEY-JONES is on the road to a caring career after overcoming adversity to secure top A Level results.
The Coleg Cambria learner – Yale...
COLEG CAMBRIA – Former Manchester United starlet heading to Oxford University
NOTHING could stop Daniel Mayers-Jones achieving his dream to study at Oxford University.
The former Manchester United Youth Academy Goalkeeper – who played in the...