18.1 C
Monday, September 16, 2024

Ar ôl ymweliad ysbrydoledig â Sbaen, mae’r myfyrwyr wedi’u swyno i...

Treuliodd grŵp o ddysgwyr Peirianneg Sain o Goleg Cambrig Glannau Dyfrdwy bythefnos yn Barcelona fel rhan o raglen addysg ac ymchwil. Mewn partneriaeth â’r sefydliad...

Students on track for careers in music after taking Spanish steps...

STUDENTS are on track for careers in music following an inspirational visit to Spain. A group of Sound Engineering learners from Coleg Cambria Deeside spent...

Mae cyfarwyddwr ffilmiau enwog wedi cael ei sbotoleuo gan fyfyrwyr Coleg...

Gwnaeth Neil Marshall, sydd wedi gweithio ar Hellboy, Game of Thrones, Westworld, a Dog Soldiers, ymweld ag adran Cyfryngau Creadigol y coleg ar gyfer...

Game of Thrones director turns spotlight on media industry for North...

A RENOWNED movie director was put under the spotlight by Coleg Cambria students. Neil Marshall, whose credits include Hellboy, Game of Thrones, Westworld, and Dog Soldiers, paid a...

Animal therapist holds lameness workshop for zookeepers at popular wildlife park

Matthew Shackleton, a Chester-based veterinary physio, zoo consultant and animal care practitioner at Coleg Cambria Northop, discussed and demonstrated lameness and enrichment devices at...

Gwnaeth gweithiwr blaenllaw mewn therapi anifeiliaid gynnal gweithdai i fyfyrwyr a...

Gwnaeth Matthew Shackleton, ffisiotherapydd, ymgynghorydd sŵau ac ymarferydd gofal anifeiliaid yng Ngholeg Cambria Llaneurgain, drafod ac arddangos cloffni a dyfeisiau cyfoethogi ym Mharc Bywyd...

YMUNODD Ysgrifennydd Addysg Cymru, Lynne Neagle, â myfyrwyr yn dathlu canlyniadau...

Bu Aelod Seneddol Torfaen yn cyfarfod dysgwyr yn Wrecsam wrth iddyn nhw gael eu graddau, ochr yn ochr â phrif weithredwr Cambria, Yana Williams. Ymhlith...

COLEG CAMBRIA – Student on the road to caring career after...

ZOE BAYLEY-JONES is on the road to a caring career after overcoming adversity to secure top A Level results. The Coleg Cambria learner – Yale...

COLEG CAMBRIA – Former Manchester United starlet heading to Oxford University

NOTHING could stop Daniel Mayers-Jones achieving his dream to study at Oxford University. The former Manchester United Youth Academy Goalkeeper – who played in the...

COLEG CAMBRIA: A Level and BTEC students have “raised the bar”...

STUDENTS at Coleg Cambria have “raised the bar” with outstanding A Level and BTEC results. Chief Executive Yana Williams and Principal Sue Price today (Thursday)...

Star bakers on the rise with double award nomination

A PAIR of talented bakers are on the rise. Naomi Spaven, lead baker and patisserie chef at Coleg Cambria's Iâl Restaurant in Wrexham, and baker...

Cafodd fyfyrwyr Cambria antur addysg “emosiynol iawn” yn cynorthwyo cymunedau yn...

Aeth ugain o fyfyrwyr Coleg Cambria ar daith heb ei hail i Gambodia, lle gwnaethon nhw addysgu sgiliau Saesneg i blant mewn Canolfan Addysg...

Caring learners support Cambodian children on emotional education adventure

Twenty students from Coleg Cambria experienced the trip of a lifetime to Cambodia, where they taught English skills to children at a Supplementary Education...

School pupils enjoy day of animal magic at North Wales college

MORE than 50 schoolchildren enjoyed a skills day amidst the creature comforts of Coleg Cambria Northop. Pupils from Ysgol Owen Jones, based in the Flintshire...

Skills Day

MORE than 50 schoolchildren enjoyed a skills day amidst the creature comforts of Coleg Cambria Northop. Pupils from Ysgol Owen Jones, based in the Flintshire...

College launches online summer support service for HE students in North...

Coleg Cambria University Centre has organised sessions for learners via a new booking portal, offering guidance to anyone interested in studying for a higher...

North Wales college to host two days of open events at...

COLEG CAMBRIA will host open days for prospective students this summer. The college’s sites at Northop, Deeside, Llysfasi, and Bersham Road and Yale in Wrexham...

Coleg Cambria to take largest team of apprentices from Wales to...

The event will take place from November 19-22 at colleges, independent training providers and universities across Greater Manchester, including Bolton, Rochdale, Wigan and Leigh,...

College strengthens support for festival of diversity, equality and LGBTQ+ community

The north east Wales college will sponsor the Teen Zone at this year’s Chester Pride event. The free festival is to be held on Saturday...

Mae Coleg Cambria wedi cadarnhau ei gymorth hyd yn oed yn...

The north east Wales college will sponsor the Teen Zone at this year’s Chester Pride event. The free festival is to be held on Saturday...

College supports STEM in schools with state-of-the-art tech donations

COLEG CAMBRIA encouraged the development of advanced engineering among young people in North Wales by donating state-of-the-art 3D printing equipment to secondary schools. Dan Jones,...

Educating explorers smash hospice fundraising target with huge charity challenge

Karl Jackson, Assistant Principal for the Institute of Technology at Coleg Cambria’s Bersham Road site in Wrexham, and colleague Carl Roberts, Director for Curriculum...

Mae arloeswyr o Goleg Cambria wedi chwalu eu targed codi arian...

Mae Karl Jackson, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol y Sefydliad Technoleg ar safle Ffordd y Bers Coleg Cambria yn Wrecsam, a’i gydweithiwr Carl Roberts, Cyfarwyddwr Cwricwlwm Peirianneg,...

LESSONS at a primary school will be great outdoors thanks to...

The college donated bat houses, birdboxes, and mud kitchens to Ysgol Rhosymedre, near Wrexham. The equipment was built by Entry to Construction learners at Cambria’s Bersham...

Bydd ysgol gynradd yn cael gwersi awyr agored anhygoel diolch i...

Mae’r coleg wedi cyfrannu tai ystlumod, bocsys adar a cheginau mwd i Ysgol Rhosymedre, ger Wrecsam. Bu dysgwyr Mynediad i Adeiladu safle Ffordd y Bers...

Annual student awards celebrate success at leading North Wales college

COLEG CAMBRIA celebrated the dedication and skill of learners and apprentices at its annual Student Awards. The college’s Yale site in Wrexham held events for...

BU COLEG CAMBRIA yn dathlu ymroddiad a sgiliau dysgwyr a phrentisiaid...

Cynhaliwyd digwyddiadau ar gyfer Addysg Bellach ac Uwch (AB ac AU) a Dysgu yn y Gwaith (DyyG) a Dysgu Oedolion a'r Gymuned (ACL) yn...

Mae diwrnod hwyl i’r teulu am ddim yn dathlu’r cerbydau modur...

Bydd digwyddiad poblogaidd Olwynion Ffordd y Bers yn cael ei gynnal ar safle Ffordd y Bers Coleg Cambria o 10am-3pm ddydd Sadwrn 29 Mehefin....

Restaurant group and enterprise hub serve-up 900+ food parcels for children...

AN ACCLAIMED restaurant group and social enterprise organisation are serving up more than 900 wellbeing food boxes for families in North Wales. Led by the...

Mae grŵp bwyty enwog a sefydliad menter gymdeithasol yn darparu mwy...

Dan arweiniad Prifysgol y Plant a chyda chefnogaeth gan gynllun Neges Menter Môn, caiff y fenter ei hariannu gan Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru...

Booming Culture Club is music to the ears of students in...

THE success of a booming culture club was music to the ears of students in Wrexham. Coleg Cambria’s Culture Collective welcomed more than 50 learners...

Army veteran to depart college role following golden retirement celebration at...

A LECTURER and Army veteran who committed 37 years to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award received a golden retirement present. Alan Lowry – who leaves...

Cafodd arweinydd o Goleg Cambria ei dewis i helpu i hyrwyddo...

Rheolwr Dysgu yn y Gwaith, Kate Muddiman ydy Llysgennad Gogledd Cymru ar gyfer The Burnt Chef Project. Mae’r sefydliad byd-eang yn darparu addysg, arweiniad, ac...

College leader to represent North Wales as ambassador for global charity...

A LEADER from Coleg Cambria was selected to help champion mental health awareness and support in the hospitality industry. Work-based Learning Manager Kate Muddiman is...