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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Yr Urdd yn partneru gyda WWF Cymru er budd yr amgylchedd

Mae Urdd Gobaith Cymru, mudiad ieuenctid mwyaf Cymru'n falch o gyhoeddi partneriaeth newydd a chyffrous gyda'r elusen natur ac amgylcheddol WWF Cymru. WWF yw un...

The Urdd national youth organisation partners with WWF Cymru

  Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Wales's largest youth organisation is proud to announce a new and exciting partnership with nature and environmental charity, WWF Cymru. WWF is...

Bydd meddalwedd seismoleg newydd CHWYLDROADOL yn newid y ffordd mae sefydliadau’n...

Roedd Menter Môn wedi treialu’r dechnoleg ddi-wifr arloesol Raspberry Shake fel rhan o’r prosiect Lleoedd Clyfar Patrwm ehangach* yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ym Moduan,...

Revolutionary seismology sensors to shape future of town centre regeneration in...

REVOLUTIONARY new seismology software will shake up the way organisations measure footfall and have a positive impact on town centre regeneration. Menter Môn trialled the...

Manorbier School Overcomes Adversity and Excels in Estyn Report

Manorbier School in Pembrokeshire has received commendable praise from Estyn, Wales' education and training inspectorate, despite facing significant challenges. During their recent ESTYN inspection in December...

North Wales college wins more individual medals than ever before at...

COLEG CAMBRIA and its industry partners achieved more individual medals than ever before at this year’s prestigious Skills Competition Wales. Across 16 categories, the college...

Llwyddiant ysgubol i Goleg Cambria a’i bartneriaid yn y diwydiant wrth...

Ar draws 16 categori, gwnaeth y coleg sydd â safleoedd yn Wrecsam, Llaneurgain, Glannau Dyfrdwy a Llysfasi, lwyddo i gyrraedd y tri gorau 24...

Welsh forestry students branch out with new jobs at woodland giant

COLEG CAMBRIA students have secured new jobs after completing a prestigious forestry programme. Tilhill, the UK’s leading woodland creation, forest management and timber harvesting company,...

Mae myfyrwyr Coleg Cambria wedi cael swyddi newydd ar ôl cwblhau...

Cyhoeddodd Tilhill, cwmni blaenllaw’r Deyrnas Unedig mewn creu coetiroedd, rheoli coedwigaeth a chynaeafu pren, a Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company Plc bod eu Rhaglen Hyfforddiant...

New learning website launched for workers in Wales

A new website has been launched by The Open University in Wales and Wales TUC to support more people into lifelong learning. unionlearning.wales gives information on...

Lansio gwefan addysg newydd ar gyfer gweithwyr yng Nghymru

  Mae gwefan newydd wedi'i lansio gan Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru a TUC Cymru i gefnogi mwy o bobl i ddysgu gydol oes. Mae dysgutrwyrundeb.cymru yn...

Business leaders snap-up bitesize new FE course that demystifies revolutionary world...

INDUSTRY leaders are signing up to a bitesize course that demystifies the revolutionary world of artificial intelligence (AI). Coleg Cambria’s new sector-driven Generative AI for Business programme...

ARWEINWYR diwydiant yn ymuno â chwrs byr sy’n datgloi byd chwyldroadol...

Mae rhaglen newydd Coleg Cambria, Deallusrwydd Artiffisial Cynhyrchiol ar gyfer Busnes, yn rhaglen sy’n cael ei harwain gan y sector. Mae’n rhoi cyflwyniad cynhwysfawr...

10th Moving Image Awards Celebrates Rising Stars in Filmmaking

YOUNG film making prodigies were celebrated at the 10th annual Moving Image Awards at a ceremony held at the British Film Institute on 26...

Pupils of Pembrey School move into brand new building

Children, teachers and staff of Pembrey School returned from their half term break to a brand-new building on Tuesday, 20 February 2024. The new primary...

“Mae Coleg Cambria wedi rhoi sgiliau gweithio fel tîm, bod yn...

Roedd geiriau’r cyn-fyfyriwr Lauren Baker yn llenwi Ysgol Fusnes Coleg Cambria Llaneurgain ddydd Gwener, wrth iddi hi ymuno â hyd at 50 o ddysgwyr...

HE college students enjoy graduation ceremony at £3.5m North Wales business...

“Teamwork, organisation, and resilience are all skills Coleg Cambria has gifted us. Take every skill you have learned during your time here into your...

How Technology Is Changing Homeschooling

In 2022, statistics highlighted that 5 million children were homeschooled, and projections indicate that this number has risen significantly. One key factor that has...

Ysgol gynradd gyntaf Cymru yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiect codi ymwybyddiaeth...

Mae disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 Ysgol Pen Rhos, Llanelli, yn helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o ganser y coluddyn a sgrinio canser y coluddyn yn eu...

First primary school in Wales takes part in awareness-raising bowel cancer...

Year 6 pupils at Ysgol Pen Rhos, Llanelli, are helping to raise awareness of bowel cancer and bowel cancer screening in their community as...

Winners of Voices 2024 writing competition for children in care revealed...

On Saturday 17 February, charity Coram Voice announced the winners of Voices 2024, its national writing competition for children in care and young care leavers, at a ceremony...

Thales Alenia Space launches MARSBalloon 2024

Thales Alenia Space launches MARSBalloon to offer students the chance to fly experiments and test technologies that could one day be destined for Mars Bristol,...

Hay Festival unveils free schools programme for Hay-on-Wye edition, 23-24 May...

Hay Festival Global has announced the free schools programme to open the spring edition in Hay-on-Wye, which takes place 23 May-2 June 2024. The schools programme...

A PIONEERING independent school enjoyed a great ball with China.

St Gerard’s School is forging strong links with Bangor Chinese School and even hosted its New Year celebrations. They joined forces at the weekend for...

North Wales college to showcase new cutting-edge facilities at accessible open...

COLEG CAMBRIA will showcase its wide range of courses and cutting-edge facilities at a series of open events this Spring. The accessible sessions will take...

College Students compete at the Senedd for Inspiring Skills Excellence in...

Gwynt Glas, a partnership between EDF Renewables UK and DP Energy, is proud to have sponsored the Renewable Energy Skills Competition Wales event for...

Have a coastal adventure this February Half Term

— discover seven family activities to try on the Wales Coast Path Half term is here and if you're looking for ways to entertain the whole...

Overall attendances linked to after-school sports surge at Ysgol Eirias

A SECONDARY school has experienced a surge in pupils taking part in extra-curricular sport. Learners at Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay have engaged with football,...

New-look hospitality and tourism programme to help breathe life into crisis-hit...

A NEW-LOOK tourism qualification will help breathe life into the sector and train the next generation of hospitality workers. Delivered by Coleg Cambria, the FdA...

Bydd cymhwyster twristiaeth ar ei newydd wedd yn helpu’r sector i...

Caiff y cymhwyster FdA mewn Rheoli Twristiaeth a Lletygarwch ei gyflwyno gan Goleg Cambria ac mae wedi cael ei ailwampio i fodloni gofynion y...

Why Does Our Media College Stand Out in London? Explore the...

Embarking on a media and communication degree program at one of London's premier media colleges opens the door to a captivating array of subjects...

Schools kicking out kids to get better exam results

Record levels of school suspensions - and exclusions on the rise System encourages schools to exit underperforming kids in Year 11 Highest rates...

Here are Five Reasons Why You Should Study the IB

Are you in the midst of deciding which academic route to take? You might want to look into the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. It's...

Top independent school on rebrand, redevelopment and 2024 vision ahead of...

PROSPECTIVE pupils will experience the exciting new chapter being written at a leading independent school. Following a period of significant investment and redevelopment, St Gerard’s...

Coleg Cambria open events to support adults looking for new careers...

A SERIES of open events for adults will take place at Coleg Cambria this month. They will be held in person at the following college...

Bydd cyfres o ddigwyddiadau agored i oedolion yn cael eu cynnal...

Byddan y digwyddiadau’n cael eu cynnal wyneb yn wyneb ar y safleoedd coleg canlynol: Glannau Dyfrdwy– Dydd Llun 22 Ionawr o 4pm-7pm. Iâl, Wrecsam –...

The Government urgently needs to get to grip with the unfolding...

Commenting on the Secretary of State for Education's statement today on the Government's plans to reduce absence from schools, Jessica Prestidge, Deputy Policy Director...

Welsh researcher calls for better education on misunderstood mental health conditions

Conducted by a team at Cardiff University, this study examined links between cognitive function and mental health disorders. Almost 4,000 volunteers from public...

Mae lleoliadau diwydiant a phrofiad gwaith rhyngwladol wrth wraidd rhaglenni chwaraeon...

Mae Coleg Cambria Glannau Dyfrdwy wedi ailwampio cyrsiau i sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn barod i fynd i fyd gwaith ar ôl cwblhau eu hastudiaethau. Yn...

Spanish steps for new-look sports courses at leading North Wales college

INDUSTRY placements and international work experience are at the heart of a top college’s new-look sports programmes. Coleg Cambria Deeside has revamped courses to ensure...

VIT University: Nurturing Excellence in Technical Education

In the realm of technical education in India, VIT (Vellore Institute of Technology) University has emerged as a powerhouse, consistently setting benchmarks for academic...

Lucknow University: a glorious Tapestry of academic Excellence

Nestled inside the coronary heart of the historic city of Lucknow, Lucknow University stands as a testimony to the rich cultural and academic background...

Over a quarter of parents think school isn’t essential every day

Government must restore trust between schools and parents to get kids back to class, warns new report A shocking new poll has revealed that...

Almost half of prospective students in Wales have said their university’s...

Climate conscious kids reveal most important factors when considering their dream university 94% of 17–18-year-olds in Wales plan to attend university Almost half of...

Ynglŷn ag UCM Cymru

Mae Undeb Cenedlaethol y Myfyrwyr (UCM) Cymru yn rhan o UCM y DU, sef cyd-ffederasiwn o 600 o undebau myfyrwyr ledled Cymru, Lloegr, yr...

Following the publication of the Welsh Government budget, National Union of...

  NUS Wales President, Orla Tarn said: "Whilst it is clear that times are difficult for all, the winter budget laid this week is disastrous for...

Number 4 high school in Wales attracting sixth formers ahead of...

A SECONDARY school ranked in the top five in Wales is attracting students from across the region to its award-winning sixth form. Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay is preparing for an...

Rhoi cydnabyddiaeth y Cynnig Cymraeg i City and Guilds am ymdrechion...

Mae City and Guilds (1 Tachwedd 2023) wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth arbennig y ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg, i gydnabod ymrwymiad y sefydliad i...

Cynnig Cymraeg recognition awarded to City & Guilds for efforts to...

  City & Guilds has been awarded the prestigious ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ from the Welsh Language Commissioner, in recognition of the organisation’s commitment to offering services...

Revamp, investment and celebrity visit for leading Welsh independent school

ST GERARD’S SCHOOL has undergone a period of significant development and investment in past months. Improvements have been made to the building and gardens at...