Troi syniadau’n realiti – Digwyddiad Arloesi ac Arallgyfeirio Cyswllt Ffermio yn...
Roedd y seren cyfryngau cymdeithasol, Tom Pemberton, yn boblogaidd iawn ymysg mynychwyr yn ystod ei gyflwyniad yn nigwyddiad Arloesi ac Arallgyfeirio Cyswllt Ffermio yn...
UK manufacturing and liquid milk contracts see +40 percent ROI when...
Feed efficiency, fertility improvements and milk production contribute to a +40 percent return on investment when feeding rumen-protected fats with milk at 40ppl
At a...
Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society – Search launched for those deserving Long Service...
Farm and estate workers from Pembrokeshire, who have been employed on the land for 25 years or more, can be nominated for the Pembrokeshire...
Welsh hill farm expands direct meat sales with Menter Moch Cymru’s...
A Welsh hill farm which adds value to its beef and sheep enterprises with direct sales has expanded its range to include pig meat...
Fferm fynydd yng Nghymru yn ehangu gweithgarwch gwerthu cig yn uniongyrchol...
Mae fferm fynydd yng Nghymru sy’n ychwanegu gwerth i’w menter defaid ac eidion gyda gweithgarwch gwerthu yn uniongyrchol wedi ehangu ei dewis er mwyn...
Nofence to discuss the benefits of virtual fencing technology when integrating...
Arable and livestock producers can speak to grazing experts and farmers about the opportunities available when utilising virtual fencing to integrate livestock into arable...
Innovation and Diversification Wales 2022 – inspiring rural entrepreneurs and innovator
Farming Connect Innovation & Diversification Wales 2022 – regenerate the mind, body and business...a day out with a difference for all rural business people
Digwyddiad Arloesi ac Arallgyfeirio Cyswllt Ffermio 2022 – cyfle i adfywio’r...
Mae Tom Pemberton, ffermwr ifanc o Swydd Gaerhirfryn, yn seren ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol! Efallai eich bod chi eisoes wedi'i weld ar waith fel...
Lockdown horticulture project blossoms into successful PYO venture
What started as a family lockdown project for a Denbighshire couple, to nurture an interest in growing among their three young children, has developed...
Prosiect garddwriaeth y cyfnod clo yn blodeuo’n fenter casglu eich hun...
Mae'r hyn a gychwynnodd fel prosiect teuluol yn y cyfnod clo i gwpl yn Sir Ddinbych, i feithrin diddordeb mewn tyfu yn eu tri...
Honest Burgers launches regenerative beef today
Three years in the making, the group with more than 40 restaurants throughout England and Wales is the first in the UK to develop...
Local farmer partners with Honest Burgers to revolutionise the group’s supply...
Pioneering move from Honest Burgers as the group switches to British, regeneratively farmed beef
Three years in the making, the group with more than 40...
Nettex is now the exclusive GB distributor for EnduraBol, a complete range of boluses for beef and dairy producers by British owned and operated...
New Farming Connect workshop will focus on parasite control in cattle...
Do you want to enhance herd health and improve the performance and productivity of your beef or dairy herd? Are you aware of the...
Spotlight on ammonia reduction strategies for Welsh poultry producers
A Welsh study has refocused attention on strategies for reducing ammonia emissions in the poultry sector, with farmers urged to adopt measures including good...
Annog ffermwyr i ailfeddwl polisïau tocio gwrychoedd er budd natur a...
Mae ffermwyr Cymru wedi cael sicrwydd y gall mesurau sy'n diogelu ac yn cynyddu bioamrywiaeth ar eu ffermydd gael eu hintegreiddio'n hawdd a bod...
Farmers urged to rethink hedge trimming policies to benefit nature and...
Welsh farmers have been assured that measures that protect and increase biodiversity on their farms can be easily integrated and have benefits for their...
Ffermwyr defaid llaeth Cymru yn gwneud y mwyaf o gymorth Cyswllt...
Nid yw dyfodiad defaid godro fel un o fentrau ffermio mwyaf newydd a mwyaf addawol Cymru wedi digwydd drwy ddamwain.
Gyda'r sector newydd hwn yn...
Welsh dairy sheep farmers make the most of Farming Connect support
The emergence of milking sheep as one of Wales' newest and most promising farming enterprises is no accident.
A new sector driven forward by pioneering...
Dream big and aim high….a philosophy that’s taken one of Wales’...
“Farming Connect gave me and my family the confidence, skills and new networks to help us create our ambitious new tourism enterprise, taking us...
Bod yn uchelgeisiol ac anelu’n uchel…athroniaeth sydd wedi dyrchafu un o...
"Mae Cyswllt Ffermio wedi caniatáu i mi a fy nheulu ddatblygu hyder, sgiliau a rhwydweithiau newydd i'n helpu i greu ein menter twristiaeth newydd,...
Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society Board of Trustees delighted to win Volunteering Award
Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society’s Board of Trustees were delighted to receive an award from PAVS (Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services) recently for their determination to...
Bydd y genhedlaeth nesaf o ffermwyr moch yn cael y cyfle i gael dechrau da gyda lansiad Cystadleuaeth Pesgi Moch Menter Moch Cymru a...
The next generation of pig farmers will get the opportunity to get their futures off to a flying start with the launch of the...
Two Mid Wales farmers get their career progression on track thanks...
For two focused and ambitious Mid Wales farmers, continual professional development proved a critical factor in helping them become successful farmers. Both are keen...
Dau ffermwr o Ganolbarth Cymru yn sicrhau bod eu datblygiad gyrfaol...
I ddau ffermwr penderfynol ac uchelgeisiol o Ganolbarth Cymru, bu datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus yn ffactor hollbwysig wrth eu helpu i ddod yn ffermwyr llwyddiannus....
Production of grains and oilseeds to be lowest in 10-15 years...
Production of grains and oilseeds to be lowest in 10-15 years in Ukraine in 2022 – APK-InformWith the sowing campaign in full swing it's time...
Wrth i gynhyrchwyr moch wynebu cynnydd mewn prisiau porthiant a chostau tanwydd, mae Menter Moch Cymru wedi cynyddu'r gefnogaeth i gynhyrchwyr moch yng Nghymru...
Timely support and advice from Menter Moch Cymru as feed costs...
As pig producers face rising feed prices and increased fuel costs, Menter Moch Cymru have stepped up the support for pig keepers in Wales...
Farmers warn country is ‘sleepwalking’ towards food shortages
Visits to one food bank were up 25% last month
FARMERS have warned of impending food shortages as the cost of living crisis impacts on...
New Farming Connect workshop will help farmers improve suckler cow productivity
Farming Connect has added an additional module to its fully-funded Animal Health & Welfare (AH&W) training workshop provision.
'Maximising suckler cow productivity' will be rolled...
Gweithdy newydd Cyswllt Ffermio i helpu ffermwyr i wella cynhyrchiant buchod...
Mae Cyswllt Ffermio wedi ychwanegu modiwl ychwanegol at ei weithdy hyfforddi Iechyd a Lles Anifeiliaid a ariennir yn llawn.
Bydd 'Cynyddu cynhyrchiant gwartheg sugno i'r...
Welsh dairy dealership expands
Lloyds Dairy Centre has almost doubled its team and taken on a new site in Pembrokeshire to meet demand from Welsh dairy farmers. The...
Unwaith eto, mae Menter Moch Cymru a Chanolfan Milfeddygaeth Cymru (WVSC), mewn cydweithrediad ag Iechyd Da a Gwasanaethau Iechyd Anifeiliaid, yn cyflwyno'r hyfforddiant DPP...
Tractor queues could lead to penalty points
A warning for farmers this Easter Bank holiday weekend as police will be on the look-out for long queues disrupting the holiday traffic.
Leading farm vehicle...
Top tips for maximising the performance of foliar feeding on grassland
A trial carried out on Welsh grassland farms has shown that foliar fertiliser can increase nitrogen use efficiency by up to four times compared to...
Awgrymiadau da i wneud y gorau o wrteithio trwy’r dail ar...
Mae cynllun treialu a gynhaliwyd ar ffermydd glaswelltir yng Nghymru wedi dangos y gall gwrteithio trwy'r dail gynyddu effeithlonrwydd y defnydd o nitrogen o hyd...
New Farming Connect workshop will help farmers improve lamb performance post-weaning.
Farming Connect has added an additional module to its fully-funded Animal Health & Welfare (AH&W) training workshop provision.
‘Improving post-weaning lamb performance’ will be rolled...
Gweithdy newydd gan Cyswllt Ffermio i helpu ffermwyr i wella perfformiad...
Mae Cyswllt Ffermio wedi ychwanegu modiwl arall i’w ddarpariaeth o weithdai hyfforddiant Iechyd a Lles Anifeiliaid (AH&W) sydd wedi’u hariannu’n llawn.
Bydd ‘Gwella perfformiad ŵyn...
Welsh pig farmers enjoy educational and inspiring study tour to Devon
The three-day tour arranged by Menter Moch Cymru was hailed as a huge success with all the producers on tour having the opportunity to...
Ffermwyr moch o Gymru yn mwynhau taith astudio addysgiadol ac ysbrydoledig...
Cafodd taith astudio i Ddyfnaint a drefnwyd gan Menter Moch Cymru ei ganmol fel llwyddiant ysgubol gan gynhyrchwyr moch a fynychodd y daith. Disgrifiwyd...
Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society elect Mansel Raymond as new President
Mansel Raymond, whose family farm in Letterston, has been unanimously elected to become the new President of Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society for the year ahead....
Welsh dairy dealership expands
Lloyds Dairy Centre has almost doubled its team and taken on a new site in Pembrokeshire to meet demand from Welsh dairy farmers. The...
COST OF LIVING EXCLUSIVE: Now we’re running out of CHEESE –...
BRITS will soon...
Lloriau delltog yn well na dewisiadau eraill dan ddefaid o ran...
Mae fferm ddefaid yng Nghymru wedi gostwng ei chostau am ddeunydd dan y defaid o 75%, a lleihau faint o gloffni y mae'r mamogiaid...
Slats out-perform sheep bedding options on cost, cleanliness and foot health
A Welsh sheep farm has reduced its bedding costs by 75%, and significantly improved the incidence of ewe lameness at housing since switching from...
Major grassland award for upland farmer in pioneering grass improvement trial
A lamb producer who is pioneering methods of improving the persistency and quality of grazing leys on marginal land in the Welsh uplands has...
Gwobr glaswelltir bwysig i ffermwr yr ucheldir mewn treialon gwella glaswellt...
Mae cynhyrchydd cig oen sy'n arloesi gyda dulliau o wella hirhoedledd ac ansawdd y gwyndwn pori ar dir ymylol yn ucheldiroedd Cymru wedi ennill gwobr...
Great benefits of eating pork reared on forage rich pasture
Recent research trials have shown that pork reared on a forage rich pasture contained a significant increase in a-Linolenic acid (ALA), a type of...
Manteision gwych i fwyta porc wedi’i fagu ar borfa sy’n llawn...
Mae treialon ymchwil diweddar wedi dangos bod porc a fagwyd ar borfa gyfoethog o borthiant yn cynnwys cynnydd sylweddol mewn asid a-linolenig (ALA), math...