Tyfu cnwd codlysiau fel porthiant protein yn gwella Ă´l troed carbon...
Mae cyfnewid cymysgedd protein a brynwyd i mewn gyda ffa a phys wedi eu tyfu gartref yn helpu fferm bĂŽff yn Sir Benfro i...
Growing pulse crop as protein feed improves beef farmâs carbon footprint
Replacing a bought-in protein blend with home-grown beans and peas is helping a Pembrokeshire beef farm reduce its carbon footprint, while capturing significant savings...
West Wales trial proves benefits of under sowing maize
There is nothing extraordinary about the sight of sheep grazing on a West Wales farm, but for contractor James George is it is the...
“Pan y’ch chi’n gwybod beth rydych chi ‘m-oen’, canolbwyntiwch, gweithiwch yn...
Yn ddiweddar, enillodd y ffermwr llaeth defaid o Sir Benfro, Bryn Perry, wobr fawreddog, sef Gwobr Goffa Brynle Wiliams, sy'n cydnabod cyflawniadau ffermwr ifanc sydd...
 Effeithlonrwydd wrth gynhyrchu yn allweddol er mwyn lleihau ôl troed carbon...
Bydd angen i nifer o ffermydd llaeth yng Nghymru sicrhau eu bod yn cynhyrchu mewn ffordd fwy effeithlon er mwyn lleihau eu hĂ´l troed...
 Production efficiency key to reducing carbon footprint on Welsh dairy farms
Many Welsh dairy farms will need to increase production efficiency to reduce their carbon footprint and meet market and policy-driven emissions targets.
During a recent...
Mae Menter Moch Cymru (MMC) yn rhoi cyfle i gynhyrchwyr moch ddysgu gan rai o gynhyrchwyr mwyaf llwyddiannus ac arloesol y DU fel rhan...
Menter Moch Cymru (MMC) is giving pig producers the opportunity to learn from some of the most successful and innovative producers in the UK...
Ffermwyr Cymru yn cael eu gadael heb lais nac amddiffyniad gan...
Plaid yn mynegi 'pryder sylweddol' am yr effaith negyddol ar ffermwyr Cymru
Mae Plaid Cymru wedi mynegi pryderon sylweddol ynglšn â'r cytundeb masnach newydd rhwng...
Welsh Farmers are left with no say and no protection by...
Plaid expresses 'significant concern' of impact on Welsh Farmers
Plaid Cymru has expressed significant concerns regarding the new trade deal stuck between the UK and...
UK Governmentâs Pursuance Of Liberal Trade Deals Shows Reckless Regard For...
The Farmersâ Union of Wales has described the UK Governmentâs approach to food security and agriculture as reckless in response to the announcement that...
Pembrokeshire farmer winner of the Brynle Williams Memorial AwardÂ
Young farmer, Bryn Perry, from Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire has been awarded the Brynle Williams Memorial Award for 2021.
The Brynle Williams Memorial Award, celebrates the...
âGovernment And Policymakers Should Be Listening To Farmersâ Says Gareth Wyn...
A prominent Welsh farmer is laying down the gauntlet to Mark Drakeford and the rest of the Welsh government if they are to secure...
Gwobrau Lantra Cymru 2021 â Gweinidog yn llongyfarch yr enillwyr gan...
Oherwydd cyfyngiadau Covid 19 cafodd Gwobrau arobryn Lantra Cymru 2021 eu beirniadu o bell eleni. Darlledwyd neges fer a recordiwyd ymlaen llaw gan Lesley...
Lantra Cymru Awards 2021 â Minister congratulates winners and says the...
Due to the Covid 19 restrictions, which necessitated the prestigious Lantra Cymru Awards 2021 having to be judged remotely, the Minister for Rural Affairs,...
Menter Moch Cymru helps pig enterprises thrive with practical butchery and...
A Pig producer from Anglesey has encouraged pig farmers in Wales to take advantage of a series of bespoke butchery courses organised by Menter...
Mae Menter Moch Cymru yn helpu mentrau moch i ffynnu gyda...
Mae cynhyrchydd o Ynys MĂ´n wedi annog ffermwyr moch yng Nghymru i fanteisio ar gyfres o gyrsiau cigyddiaeth bwrpasol a drefnwyd gan Menter Moch...
Majority of Brits strongly oppose the use of cruel farming practises...
A YouGov poll commissioned by animal protection charity Open Cages in December 2021 has found that a staggering 78% of British people oppose factory...
Violence and neglect discovered on dairy farm in South WalesÂ
Violence and neglect discovered on Welsh dairy farm linked to suppliers of Costa and British Airways
Monday 14th February, a leading international animal protection organisation,...
Farmer’s Mental Health Campaign
92% of UK farmers under the age of 40...
FUW Urges Caution Over Recent Welsh Bovine TB Proposals
Plans which could potentially penalise cattle keepers who âfail to take noticeâ of TB information when purchasing stock have been strongly opposed by the...
¡                        92% of UK farmers under the age of 40 rank poor mental health as the biggest...
Securing Master Slurry workshop place a priority amid rising fertiliser prices
With the high cost of purchased fertiliser concentrating farmers' minds on the nutrients in farm slurry and manure, an opportunity to learn more about...
Grassland trial confirms sulphur application as an economically valuable inputÂ
Applying fertilisers enhanced with selenium and sulphur has been shown to boost levels of selenium in grassland by up to five times, and to...
Treial glaswelltir yn cadarnhau bod sylffwr yn fewnbwn gwerthfawr yn economaidd
Gwelwyd bod taenu gwrteithiau y mae seleniwm a sylffwr wedi cael eu hychwanegu atynt yn rhoi hwb i lefelau seleniwm mewn glaswellt hyd at...
Glamorgan Farmers Discuss Food Procurement And School Meals With Cardiff Central...
Farmers from Glamorgan and Farmersâ Union of Wales (FUW) officials have discussed food procurement and school meals with Cardiff Central Member of the Senedd...
Grassland farmers can mitigate against impact on grass growth of applying...
Improving efficiency through better soil, grazing and slurry management can help grassland farmers reduce the negative impact on grass growth from reducing nitrogen (N)...
Gall ffermwyr glaswelltir liniaru yn erbyn effaith taenu llai o N...
Mae defnyddio dulliau gwell o reoli pridd, porfa a slyri i fod yn fwy effeithlon yn gallu helpu ffermwyr glaswelltir i leihau'r effaith negyddol...
Lack Of Bovine TB Impact Assessment Is A Disservice Says FUW
The Farmersâ Union of Wales has expressed extreme concern that the recent Welsh Government Refreshed TB Eradication Programme consultation has been produced without any...
North Pembrokeshire farmers top the FWGS Milk Hygiene Award on first...
This year's Federation of Welsh Grassland Societies over-all Milk Hygiene competition winners are JJ Peters & Son, Sunnyhill, Crundale, Haverford West, and this on their first time of entering...
Gorau arf, dysg…ymgeisiwch NAWR i ymweld â rhai oâr busnesau gwledig...
Ydych chiân barod i ehanguâch gorwelion a darganfod beth allwch chi ei ddysgu gan rai oâr busnesau aâr sefydliadau gwledig syân perfformio orau yn...
Knowledge is power⌠apply NOW to visit some of the UKâs...
Are you ready to broaden your horizons, and discover what you can learn from some of the UKâs top-performing rural businesses or organisations? Would...
Faecal egg counting reduction testing is an essential part of good...
Whether you keep 50 sheep or 5,000, all farmers want to ensure that every animal within their flock is performing at its best, in...
Mae profion lleihau cyfrif wyau ysgarthol yn rhan hanfodol o hwsmonaeth...
Bod gennych 50 neu 5,000 o ddefaid, mae pob ffermwr am sicrhau bod pob anifail yn eu diadell yn perfformio ar ei orau, yn...
âYou are what you eatâ applies to sheep, too! Improving flock...
Ioan Jones is an experienced third-generation upland sheep farmer who farms with his wife Susan and son Aled at Dolyfelin near Builth Wells. The...
Mae ymadrodd âYr hyn a fwytwn a fyddwnâ yn berthnasol i...
Mae Ioan Jones yn ffermwr mynydd profiadol sy'n ffermio defaid gyda'i wraig, Susan, a'i fab Aled yn Fferm Dolyfelin ger Llanfair-ym-Muallt, ac mae'r fferm...
Have you got an up-to-date business plan? Don’t miss out â...
Business looks bright for almost 4,500 Welsh farm and forestry businesses that have received support through the Farming Connect Advisory Service, with almost 7,000...
Two new Mentors added to the Farming Connect Mentor directory
Delyth FĂ´n Owen and Andrew Rees have recently joined an already bursting directory of Mentors as part of the Farming Connect Mentoring programme. The...
Ychwanegu dau Fentor newydd i gyfeiriadur Mentoriaid Cyswllt Ffermio
Fel rhan o raglen Fentora Cyswllt Ffermio, mae Delyth FĂ´n Owen ac Andrew Rees wedi ymunoân ddiweddar â chyfeiriadur Mentoriaid sydd eisoes yn llawn....
Herd Health Plan gives farmers a positive step to a brighter...
Farmers from Carmarthenshire with passion for their herd and sheer determination have ensured that they face the future in good stead by taking advantage...
Mae Cynllun Iechyd y Genfaint yn rhoi cam cadarnhaol i ffermwyr...
Mae ffermwyr o Sir Gaerfyrddin sy'n frwd dros eu cenfaint wedi sicrhau eu bod yn wynebu'r dyfodol mewn sefyllfa dda drwy fanteisio ar y...
Farming Connect Innovation & Diversification Wales 2022 â date announced
Farming Connect has announced the date of this yearâs Innovation & Diversification Wales event, which is back for first time since the pandemic.
If you...
Sioe Arloesi ac Arallgyfeirio Cyswllt Ffermio 2022 – dyddiad wediâi gyhoeddi
Mae Cyswllt Ffermio wedi cyhoeddiâr dyddiad ar gyfer digwyddiad Arloesi ac Arallgyfeirio Cymru eleni, sydd yn Ă´l am y tro cyntaf ers y pandemig.
Gwent & Glamorgan Farmers Celebrate Welsh Breakfast Produce
Farmers and friends of the Farmersâ Union of Wales (FUW) have come together in Glamorgan to celebrate the Unionâs annual Farmhouse Breakfast Week, which...
Preventing Wales’ Corporate Carbon Land Grab: Balancing Carbon, Trees And Rural...
In response to reports of land being bought up in Wales for the purpose of tree planting and carbon sequestration, the Farmersâ Union of...
The outlook for the pork sector 2022
After a challenging and uncertain year, the outlook for the end of 2022 is more positive according to Pig Industry Analyst, Mick Sloyan. Those...
Y rhagolygon ar gyfer y sector porc 2022
Yn dilyn blwyddyn heriol ac ansicr, mae'r rhagolygon ar gyfer 2022 yn edrych yn fwy positif yn Ă´l dadansoddwr y diwydiant moch, Mick Sloyan....
Powys farmer Beccie Williams learned what it takes to run a...
Beccie Williams is a wife, a mum to three young children and now a full-time poultry farmer too. Beccie and her husband Matthew took...
Diolch i Cyswllt Ffermio, dysgodd Beccie Williams, amaethwr o Bowys, sut...
Mae Beccie Williams yn wraig, yn fam i dri o blant bach ac yn ffermwr dofednod llawn amser hefyd erbyn hyn. Yn 2010, gwnaeth...
Remember Your Goat And Sheep Inventory, FUW Reminds Farmers
Farmers across Wales, who keep sheep and goats, are being reminded by the Farmersâ Union of Wales to submit their annual inventory by 1...