Fferm laeth yn ceisio lleihau lloia dros nos gyda chefnogaeth gan...
Mae fferm laeth yn Sir Ddinbych yn addasu ei strategaeth rheoli a bwydo gwartheg sych er mwyn ceisio lleihau lloia dros nos.
Mae Bryn Farm,...
Hwre, Cynhyrchwyr newydd yn croesawu moch i’r fferm
Bydd chwech o aelodau CFFI Cymru yn gynhyrfus yr wythnos...
· The Nature Friendly Farming Network (NFFN) earlier this week hosted MS Janet Finch-Saunders for a farm tour of NFFN member Guto Davies
· The farm's 245ha...
McCartneys report an entry of 78 TB Restricted Store Cattle at Knighton Market on Tuesday 31st August 2021.
Another excellent Orange Market at Knighton. An...
Additional UK Animal Movement Rules ‘Utter Hypocrisy’ Given UK-Australia Trade Deal...
The announcement that a raft of additional restrictions on animal movements will be introduced in England and Wales and confirmation that live animal exports...
FUW To Discuss Merits And Drawbacks Of Carbon Trading Quotas
The Farmers’ Union of Wales is to discuss the merits and drawbacks of limiting the amount of carbon credits that can be sold from...
Arbrawf cnydau’n dangos manteision a heriau tyfu mathau o rawn hynafol
Gall mathau o rawn hynafol gynnig opsiwn amgen da i gnydau grawn modern ar ffermydd mewnbwn isel, ond gall sefydlu'r cnwd fod yn her,...
Crop trial shows benefits and challenges of growing ancient wheat varieties
Long-lost wheat varieties can offer a good alternative to modern wheat on low input farms, but lodging can be a challenge, crop trials in...
Dual purpose sheep? Maximising the value of Welsh fleeces proves a...
Gillian Williams has an impeccable pedigree when it comes to her knowledge of sheep! Breeding them, shearing them and making money from them comes...
Defaid deubwrpas? Mae gwneud y mwyaf o werth cnu Cymreig yn...
Mae Gillian Williams yn gwybod popeth am ddefaid! Mae bridio, cneifio a gwneud arian o ddefaid yn dod yn naturiol i'r ffermwr defaid a...
The 2021 finalists are announced: Celebrating the role British farmers play...
The British Farming Awards 2021 has welcomed a record number of nominations this year as industry professionals, colleagues and peers recognise the innovative work...
The Menter Moch Cymru project, developed and run by Menter a Busnes, continues to have a strong rationale, is supporting job creating and demonstrating...
Mae prosiect Menter Moch Cymru, sydd wedi ei ddatblygu a’i redeg gan Menter a Busnes, yn parhau i fod â rhesymeg gref, yn cefnogi...
Are family farms fit for the future?
Examining whether family farms are fit for the future, panellists at the recent Oxford Farming Conference (OFC) Bitesize webinar on Thursday 5 August explored...
Y cyntaf yn y DU – Cig Oen Morfa Heli y...
Mae Lesley Griffiths, y Gweinidog Materion Gwledig, wedi llongyfarch Cig Oen Morfa Heli y Gŵyr ar fod y cynnyrch newydd cyntaf i ennill Statws...
UK first – Gower Salt Marsh Lamb secures international protection
Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths has congratulated Gower Salt Marsh Lamb as it becomes the first new product to be awarded UK Geographical Indication...
Return of Oxford Farming Conference Breaking Barriers Scholarship
The Oxford Farming Conference (OFC), in partnership with McDonald's UK, is delighted to announce the return of the successful Breaking Barriers Scholarship which will...
Farming Has The Answer To Climate Change And Sustainable Food Production,...
The conversation around food production and its impact on climate change has gained tremendous momentum. With the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UN FSS)...
FUW Welcomes Welsh Affairs Committee Recommendations on UK-Australia Trade Deal
The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed a report and recommendations by the Welsh Affairs Committee on the implications of a UK Australia Free...
Astudiaeth llaeth defaid yn nodi cysylltiad pwysig rhwng Cyfrif Celloedd Somatig...
Gallai cynhyrchwyr llaeth defaid sy'n cyflenwi'r farchnad gaws gynyddu potensial cynhyrchion caws cyffredinol eu diadell drwy gadw defaid â chyfrif celloedd somatig (CCS) isel.
Sheep milk study points to important link between SCC and cheese...
Sheep milk producers supplying the cheese market could increase the overall cheese yield potential of their flock by carrying ewes with a low somatic...
Devastating Impact Of Vast Tree Plantation Plans On Rural Communities Highlighted...
The devastating impacts vast tree plantation plans can have on rural communities and Welsh culture were highlighted in a recent meeting between Farmers’ Union...
New slurry store aids business growth at Welsh dairy farm
Upgrading slurry storage facilities is facilitating herd expansion at a Welsh dairy farm.
Russell Morgan wants to increase his herd size by 50 cows plus...
Storfa slyri newydd yn helpu busnes i dyfu ar fferm laeth...
Mae uwchraddio cyfleusterau storio slyri yn hwyluso'r gwaith o gynyddu'r fuches ar fferm laeth yng Nghymru.
Mae Russell Morgan am gynyddu maint ei fuches o...
Cynhyrchwyr moch o Geredigion yn datblygu ei busnes yn broffesiynol gyda...
Mae cynhyrchwyr moch o Pontsian Ceredigion wedi bachu ar y cyfle i ddefnyddio grant marchnata gan Menter Moch Cymru.
Daeth Cennydd Jones a Naomi Nicholas...
Ceredigion Pig producers have developed their business professionally thanks to the...
Pig producers of Pontsian, Ceredigion have seized an opportunity to enhance their business by utilising a marketing grant from Menter Moch Cymru.
Cennydd Jones and...
FUW Highlights Critical Issues During Virtual Royal Welsh Show
The Farmers’ Union of Wales and FUW Insurance Services Ltd. highlighted and discussed the most critical issues affecting the agricultural industry through a series...
Ffermwr llaeth yn pwyso a mesur manteision cost godro robotig mewn...
Mae menter Cyswllt Ffermio yn helpu ffermwr ifanc yng Nghymru wrth iddo geisio penderfynu ynglŷn ag uwchraddio cyfleusterau godro'r fferm laeth deuluol.
Mae Ieuan Evans...
Dairy farmer weighs up cost benefits of robot milking in a...
A Farming Connect initiative is helping a young Welsh farmer inform decision making on upgrading milking facilities at his family's dairy farm.
Ieuan Evans lives...
Public grateful for benefits countryside visits bring to mental and physical...
The pandemic has given people a greater appreciation of the landscapes farmers provide, with 71% of people saying they feel fortunate to be able...
Welsh & UK Governments Must Implement Range Of Measures To Tackle...
During a special FUW webinar held during the virtual Royal Welsh show speakers from England and Wales highlighted a range of actions the Welsh...
Montgomeryshire Farmers Outline Free Trade Deal Concerns In Meeting With Minister
Farmers from Montgomeryshire and Farmers’ Union of Wales officials have met with local MP Craig Williams and UK Minister for Trade Policy Greg Hands...
Pembrokeshire Farming Family Embrace Wildlife Conservation And Food Production
Farming has a key role to play in looking after the environment and combating climate change but the production of food must not be...
FCTV – y rhaglen ffermio newydd, 30 munud o hyd, na...
Effeithlonrwydd, arfer gorau, cydymffurfiaeth ac arbed amser ac arian yw'r materion sydd wedi sbarduno menter ddiweddaraf Cyswllt Ffermio, sef rhaglen deledu fisol, 30 munud...
FCTV – the new half-hour farming programme that you won’t want...
Efficiency, best practice, compliance and saving time and money are the driving forces behind Farming Connect's latest venture, a dedicated half-hour, monthly tv programme...
Rhannwch eich cyngor diogelwch chi yn ystod #WythnosDiogelwchFferm eleni
Yn ystod #WythnosDiogelwchFferm eleni, gofynnir i ffermwyr rannu eu cyngor ynghylch sut i gadw eu hunain, eu teuluoedd, eu gweithwyr ac unrhyw ymwelwyr â'u...
Share your safety advice this #FarmSafetyWeek
This #FarmSafetyWeek farmers are being asked to share their tips on how to keep themselves, their families, their workers and visitors to their land...
Pembrokeshire Farmers Put Spotlight On Trade Deals And Climate Change In...
Farmers from Pembrokeshire have put the spotlight on industry concerns around the free trade deal with Australia and climate change when they met with...
Farm Safety – Is It Worth Taking The Risk?
The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) and FUW Insurance Services Ltd. are urging the farming community to carefully consider the risks on farms as...
A UK wide exercise that simulates an outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) will take place today (Thursday 22nd of July) to test the Government's...
Bydd ymarfer ledled y DU i efelychu toriad o Clwy Affricanaidd y Moch (ASF) yn digwydd heddiw (Dydd Iau'r 22ain o Orffennaf) I brofi'r...
News from Harper Adams University: Aspiring Livestock Geneticist named as Harper...
A student inspired to develop her skills as a livestock geneticist after success at the Welsh Winter Fair has been named as Harper Cymry/Royal...
Teithiau astudio ledled y DU yn ailddechrau i ffermwyr Cymru ers...
Gyda chyfyngiadau COVID-19 yn dod i rym ar ddechrau 2020, fel amryw o weithgareddau eraill ledled y wlad daeth Teithiau Astudio Cyswllt Ffermio i...
UK wide study visits resume for farmers in Wales since the...
As COVID-19 restrictions came into force early last year, Farming Connect's Study Visits, like many other activities across the country, came to a stop....
Oxford Farming Conference to bring back successful ‘bitesize’ webinars
Following on from the success of last year's 'Bitesize' webinars, the Oxford Farming Conference (OFC) has announced their return in 2021 with a series...
Cyswllt Ffermio’n ailddechrau ei raglen o ddigwyddiadau ar safleoed
Mae digwyddiadau byw Cyswllt Ffermio wedi ailddechrau a chynhaliwyd y cyntaf o'r rhain mewn gardd fasnachol yn Aberteifi ym mis Gorffennaf.
Aeth bron i 18...
Farming Connect restarts its on-site events programme
Farming Connect live events have resumed with the first of these held at a market garden in Cardigan in July.
It has been nearly 18...
- Sales of Morrisons 'For Farmers' dairy and egg ranges help British farmers invest in sustainability and animal husbandry -
- Scheme has led to increased...