5.1 C
Friday, January 3, 2025

Grass Re-seeding Demonstration

Ceredigion RWAS re-seeding demonstration – Wednesday 14th June 2023  With escalating feed prices, being able to produce high quality home-grown forage has never been more important...

 CAFC Ceredigion – Arddangosiad ail-hadu – Dydd Mercher 14 Mehefin 2023

Gyda phrisiau porthiant yn cynyddu, mae'r gallu i gynhyrchu porthiant cartref o safon uchel yn bwysicach nac erioed i ffermwyr Cymru. Un elfen allweddol...

FUW Welcomes Recognition Of Small-Scale Renewable Energy Technologies

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has responded to a Welsh Government consultation on reviewing Wales’ renewable energy targets, acknowledging the need to set targets...

Embracing new ideas and opportunities on Welsh farms to be celebrated...

Celebrating the role of on-farm research carried out across Wales to embrace new ideas and opportunities will be in the spotlight at a key...

Dathlu a chroesawu syniadau a chyfleoedd newydd ar ffermydd Cymru mewn...

Bydd dathlu rôl ymchwil ar y fferm a gynhelir ledled Cymru i groesawu syniadau a chyfleoedd newydd dan sylw mewn digwyddiad allweddol yn y...

4 performance minerals to optimise calving

Micro and macro nutrient levels in the dry period have a direct impact on calving and post-partum performance in dairy and suckler herds Beef and...

New project farms sought for Farming Connect ‘Our Farms’ network 

Farmers are being given the chance to trial new innovations and technologies in farming ahead of Wales’ transition to the Sustainable Farming Scheme as Farming...

Chwilio am ffermydd prosiect newydd ar gyfer rhwydwaith ‘Ein Ffermydd’ Cyswllt...

Mae ffermwyr yn cael y cyfle i dreialu arloesiadau a thechnolegau newydd ym myd ffermio cyn i Gymru drosglwyddo i'r Cynllun Ffermio Cynaliadwy gan...

 New Fendt dealer in Wales

Fendt has announced a new partnership with dealership Arwel’s Agri Services based near Lampeter, mid-Wales.  The family run business was established in 2008 by...

New CalverMaxx supplement meets suckler pre-calving nutrient demands without shifting BCS

CalverMaxx delivers rumen support and key performance vitamins and minerals ahead of calving In the run-up to calving, suckler producers looking to deliver essential nutrients...

Biological controls halve Welsh pig unit’s nuisance fly numbers

Infestations of nuisance and biting flies at a Welsh pig unit have halved since beneficial insects were introduced as a method to control the...

Rheolaethau biolegol yn haneru niferoedd pryfed niwsans mewn uned foch yng...

Mae pla o bryfed niwsans a phryfed brathu mewn uned foch yng Nghymru wedi haneru ers cyflwyno pryfed llesol fel dull o reoli cylch...

Protect herds from spring butterfat depression and improve fertility with strategic...

Rumen function and energy supply are paramount to protecting butterfats and fertility during spring grazing. As dairy herds are turned out for spring grazing, producers...

Menter a Busnes i benodi 100 o fentoriaid ar gyfer rhaglen...

Prosesu bwyd a chigyddiaeth, trin cŵn defaid, gwinwyddaeth a ffermio adfywiol – yn rhaglen gyfredol Cyswllt Ffermio – mae mentoriaid cymeradwy yn cynnig cymorth...

Menter a Busnes to appoint 100 mentors for new Farming Connect...

Food processing and butchery, sheep dog handling, viticulture and regenerative farming –in the current Farming Connect programme - approved mentors offer fully funded one-to-one...

A guide to supplementing colostrum at calving 

Here’s how and when to supplement calves with colostrum to ensure a good start to life Industry research has found 61 percent of dairy calves...

Glamorgan RWAS Feature County Event ‘Regen ’23’ to demonstrate how regenerative...

Each year the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society has a different Feature County, and this year it's Glamorgan's turn. The Glamorgan Feature County event for...

Subsidised Industry Support Available To Help Identify Possible Reasons For Early...

MILTON KEYNES, UK, 7th March 2023 – MSD Animal Health (a division of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA (NYSE: MRK)) has demonstrated...

Carmarthenshire farmer learning everything he needs to know about modern farming...

His parents introduced him to the hands-on 'land and livestock' side of farming at an early age but for Carmarthenshire-born Dylan Morgan, it's Farming...

Ffermwr o Sir Gaerfyrddin yn dysgu popeth y mae angen iddo...

Cyflwynodd ei rieni ef i ochr ymarferol 'tir a da byw' ffermio yn ifanc iawn, ond i Dylan Morgan, a aned yn Sir Gaerfyrddin,...

Tree health and health and safety take precedence at events held...

Events will be held across Wales to update farmers and foresters on tree health and the practical and health and safety implications when tackling diseased...

Mae iechyd ac iechyd a diogelwch coed yn cael blaenoriaeth mewn...

Bydd digwyddiadau’n cael eu cynnal ledled Cymru i roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ffermwyr am iechyd coed a’r goblygiadau ymarferol ac iechyd a diogelwch wrth...

Keeping dogs under control will protect lambs and other livestock 

Dog owners are being reminded to keep their animals under control around sheep and other livestock. With lambing season underway as well, Rural Affairs Minister...

Webinar to offer free lambing and surplus lamb rearing tips

Sheep producers keen to kickstart the 2023 lambing season with a topical husbandry refresher – as well as gain some practical surplus lamb rearing...

Pre-calving trace element bolusing supports calf and cow health and performance

EnduraBol Pre-Calver and EnduraBol High Iodine provide tailored supplementation for pre and post calving cows and heifers Spring calving beef and dairy herds are approaching...

Mae protocolau AI da a chofnodion lloia yn cyfrannu at well...

Mae protocolau ffrwythloni artiffisial (AI) da yn helpu fferm laeth yn Sir Gaerfyrddin i gael cyfradd gyflo chwe wythnos o fwy nag 80%. Mae Iwan...

Good AI protocols and calving records factor in improved dairy herd...

Good artificial insemination (AI) protocols are helping a Carmarthenshire dairy farm achieve a six week in-calf rate of more than 80%. Iwan Francis runs a...

Application window for Farming Connect Fertility increasing workshop is now open!

With good breeding and reproductive management underpinning profitability in Welsh cattle herds, farmers are being urged to sign up for a new Farming Connect...

Ffenestr ymgeisio gweithdy cynyddu ffrwythlondeb Cyswllt Ffermio nawr ar agor!

Gyda rheolaeth dda o fridio ac atgenhedlu yn sail i broffidioldeb buchesi yng Nghymru, mae ffermwyr yn cael eu hannog i gofrestru ar gyfer...

Nofence virtual fencing technology wins LAMMA Silver Innovation Award

Opportunities to capitalise on the carbon cycle benefits of grazing livestock without the challenges of physical fencing is a key feature of Nofence virtual...

From farm worker to share farmer – an introduction through Farming...

Anglesey-born young farmer, Martyn Owen, has won the prestigious Brynle Williams Memorial Award for 2022, which recognises the achievements of a young farmer who...

O weithiwr fferm i ffermwr cyfran – cyflwyniad trwy raglen Mentro...

Mae ffermwr ifanc o Ynys Môn, Martyn Owen, wedi ennill Gwobr Goffa fawreddog Brynle Williams ar gyfer 2022, sy’n cydnabod llwyddiannau ffermwr ifanc sydd...

Gwobrau Lantra Cymru 2022 – Gweinidog Materion Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru yn...

Mae pawb a gafodd eu henwebu ar gyfer cynllun Gwobrau Lantra Cymru eleni wedi dangos eu hymrwymiad i ddysgu gydol oes a chynnal y...

Lantra Cymru Awards 2022 – Welsh Government Rural Affairs Minister congratulates...

Every nominee for this year’s Lantra Cymru Awards scheme has demonstrated their commitment to lifelong learning and maintaining the highest standards across all areas...

ILRI and CGIAR appoint Professor Appolinaire Djikeng as Director General of ILRI...

he International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Board of Trustees and CGIAR have appointed Professor Appolinaire Djikeng as Director General of ILRI and CGIAR Senior...

Collaboration through Venture brings mutual benefits to farm owner and new...

The knowledge and experience of an established sheep farmer and the ambition and energy of a new entrant have combined in a new joint...

Cydweithredu trwy Fentro yn dod â manteision i’r ddwy ochr i...

Mae gwybodaeth a phrofiad ffermwr defaid sefydledig ac uchelgais ac egni newydd-ddyfodiad wedi cyfuno mewn partneriaeth ffermio menter ar y cyd newydd a hwyluswyd...

Mae ymyriadau gwaith prosiect Cyswllt Ffermio yn helpu fferm ddefaid i...

Mae fferm ddefaid yn Sir Ddinbych wedi haneru nifer yr achosion o fwrw'r llawes goch adeg ŵyna drwy fynd i'r afael â ffactorau risg...

Farming Connect project work interventions help sheep farm halve prolapse rate

A Denbighshire sheep farm has halved its incidence of prolapse at lambing by tackling known risk factors in pregnant ewes. Prolapse had been one of...

FUW Council Raises Concerns Over Cuts To Rural Affairs Budget And...

Major concerns have been raised at a meeting of the Farmers’ Union of Wales’ Grand Council about cuts to the Welsh Government’s Rural Affairs budget and potential further losses if Rural Development Programme funds are not spent.

Improvements to flock productivity help sheep farm with carbon efficiency

Exceeding targets for ewe efficiency and lamb growth rates is helping a Welsh sheep farm to become more carbon efficient. Hendre Ifan Goch, a Farming...

Mae gwelliannau i gynhyrchiant diadelloedd yn helpu fferm ddefaid gydag effeithlonrwydd...

Mae mynd y tu hwnt i'r targedau ar gyfer effeithlonrwydd mamogiaid a chyfraddau twf ŵyn yn helpu fferm ddefaid yng Nghymru i ddod yn...

Think differently about lungworm in 2023 

Cattle farmers are being encouraged to think differently about lungworm in 2023 and to develop strategies to prevent production losses rather than treat infections. “Habitually...


Ariennir Menter Moch Cymru gan Gymunedau Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru - Rhaglen Datblygu Gwledig 2014-2020 a ariennir gan Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig...


Menter Moch Cymru is funded by the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund...

Celebrating our farms at the Winter Fair

Farming Connect's role is to inspire and challenge farmers throughout Wales to achieve the best from their farming systems, to run competitive, resilient and...

Dathlu ein ffermydd yn y Ffair Aeaf

Rôl Cyswllt Ffermio yw ysbrydoli a herio ffermwyr ledled Cymru i gael y gorau o'u systemau ffermio, i redeg busnesau fferm a choedwigaeth cystadleuol,...

Buoyant milk prices but high costs make improving milk from forage...

Buoyant milk prices mean maximising the litres of milk produced is a 'no brainer' on UK dairy farms. But high input costs mean doing...

Mae gwell rheolaeth ar goetiroedd yn helpu cwpl ffermio o Ogledd...

Mae ffermwr defaid o Ogledd Cymru, Huw Beech a’i wraig Bethan, yn troi coetir fferm nad yw’n cael ei reoli’n ddigonol yn fenter cynhyrchu...

Improved woodland management helps North Wales farming couple meet their goals...

North Wales sheep farmer Huw Beech and his wife Bethan are turning an undermanaged farm woodland into a sustainable energy-producing enterprise – a project...