18.5 C
Friday, September 20, 2024

Safety in the sea

With half term starting, and with sunshine being forecast over the next few weeks, please remember and share RNLI advice – if you get...

Join the Nutrient Management Board Stakeholder Group of West Wales

Is the health of our rivers important to you? Are you affected by, responsible for or interested in water quality in the region? If...

Wales Coast Path calls on public to tackle coastal erosion —...

This National Walking Month (May), Wales Coast Path (WCP) is asking visitors and residents of Wales to help tackle coastal erosion — with a...

Llandeilo Road Dental Surgery return NHS Dental contract 

Llandeilo Road Dental Surgery in Cross Hands have made the difficult decision to return their General Dental Services (NHS) Contract to Hywel Dda University...

Deintyddfa Llandeilo Road yn dychwelyd ei Chontract Deintyddol GIG

Mae Deintyddfa Llandeilo Road yn Cross Hands wedi gwneud y penderfyniad anodd i ddychwelyd ei Chontract Gwasanaethau Deintyddol Cyffredinol (GIG) i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol...

Man boarded train with enough heroin for 140 deals in his...

A man who caught the train from Pembrokeshire to Cardiff to pick up a supply of drugs has been jailed for five-and-a-half years. Dyfed-Powys Police...

Ethol y Cynghorydd Louvain Roberts yn Gadeirydd newydd y Cyngor Sir 

Mae'r Cynghorydd Louvain Roberts, yr Aelod dros Ward Glanymôr, wedi derbyn y gadwyn swyddogol heddiw, 24 Mai 2023. Wrth gymryd y gadeiryddiaeth talodd y Cynghorydd...

Cllr. Louvain Roberts elected as new County Council Chair

Cllr. Louvain Roberts, member for the Glanymor Ward, has today, 24 May 2023, taken the chain of office. Taking the chair, Cllr. Roberts paid tribute...

Partners response to Home Office proposal

Carmarthenshire County Council has been informed of a proposal by the Home Office to consider the Stradey Park Hotel, Llanelli for the purpose of...

Ymateb Partneriaid i fwriad gan y Swyddfa Gartref 

Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin wedi cael gwybod am fwriad gan y Swyddfa Gartref i ystyried defnyddio Gwesty Parc y Strade, Llanelli i ddarparu llety...

Algae warning at North Dock

Signs have been erected at North Dock warning of algae blooms. Carmarthenshire County Council is warning members of the public to avoid coming into contact...

Datganiad ar Ddoc y Gogledd

Mae arwyddion wedi eu codi yn Noc y Gogledd i rybuddio pobl rhag algâu gwyrddlas. Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn rhybuddio'r cyhoedd i osgoi dod...

TV show helping overweight Carmarthen butcher heal himself after two “near...

Matthew loses equivalent of four joints of  ham in weight An overweight butcher from Carmarthen says he’s healing himself after suffering two “near death” experiences...


Llyr Gruffydd MS calls for urgent action to address “startling statistics” Increases in unemployment figures and the number of those economically inactive are a “double...

Join the Nutrient Management Board Stakeholder Group of West Wales

River-Stakeholder-Event-Poster-EnglishDownload Is the health of our rivers important to you? Are you affected by, responsible for or interested in water quality in the region? If...

Ymunwch â Grŵp Rhanddeiliaid Bwrdd Rheoli Maetholion Gorllewin Cymru

River-Stakeholder-Event-Poster-CymraegDownload Ydy iechyd ein hafonydd yn bwysig ichi? A oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ansawdd dŵr yn y rhanbarth, a ydych yn gyfrifol amdano neu a...

Carmarthenshire school competition winners see posters installed on building site

Competition winners at a Carmarthenshire school have seen their posters installed at a nearby building site in Cross Hands. As part of the housebuilder’s commitment...

Regional dementia strategy published

The West Wales Regional Partnership Board has published a 5-year regional dementia strategy, which has been developed through engaging with people that are living with dementia,...

Cyhoeddi strategaeth dementia ranbarthol

Mae Bwrdd Partneriaeth Rhanbarthol Gorllewin Cymru wedi cyhoeddi strategaeth dementia ranbarthol 5 mlynedd, sydd wedi'i datblygu drwy ymgysylltu â phobl â dementia, gofalwyr, a staff iechyd...

10 days to go until Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2023

With only 10 days to go until the Urdd Eisteddfod kicks off at Llandovery, Carmarthenshire County Council is reminding everyone to get their tickets...

10 diwrnod i fynd tan Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2023

O gofio mai dim ond 10 diwrnod sydd i fynd nes y bydd Eisteddfod yr Urdd yn dechrau yn Llanymddyfri, mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin...

Trundle leaves Ammanford

An Instagram announcement on Monday 15th May brought the curtain down on four wonderful seasons at Ammanford for Lee Trundle. Signed in June 2019 the...

65 extra trains every week in south Wales as GWR introduces...

GWR News In the biggest shake-up of railway timetables since the introduction of Intercity Express Trains, GWR is set to introduce 65 new trains...

Senedd Member’s Jump Hopes to Make Garden More Accessible for Wheelchair...

Lee Waters MS, the Deputy Minister for climate change, took to the skies above Swansea for a charity skydive this week to raise funds...

Evelyn Partners hosts Carmarthenshire hospitality and leisure summit

The future of the hospitality and leisure sector came under the spotlight at a half-day event in West Wales co-hosted by Evelyn Partners, the...

Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn dathlu ei ofalwyr maeth

"Maethu yw'r mwyaf buddiol o bell ffordd o'r swyddi rydyn ni'n eu gwneud oherwydd bod gennym ni berson ifanc hyfryd sy'n gweddu'n dda iawn...

Carmarthenshire County Council celebrates its foster carers

"Fostering is by far the most rewarding of the jobs we do because we have a lovely young person who fits really well into...

The Big Challenge – 100-mile Velodrome Challenge.

Join us at Carmarthen Park Velodrome on Friday, May 19th 2023, from 9:30am. As part of training for 'The Big Challenge' that will take place...

Yr Her Fawr – Her 100 milltir y Felodrom.

Ymunwch â ni yn y Felodrom ym Mharc Caerfyrddin ddydd Gwener, 19 Mai 2023 o 9.30am ymlaen. Yn rhan o'r paratoadau ar gyfer 'Yr Her...

Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel to meet with the Commissioner...

The Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel will be seeking answers to a number of questions put forward to the Police and Crime Commissioner...

Panel Heddlu a Throseddu Dyfed-Powys i gwrdd â’r Comisiynydd ar 19...

Bydd Panel Heddlu a Throseddu Dyfed-Powys yn ceisio atebion i nifer o gwestiynau a gyflwynir i'r Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu yn ystod cyfarfod nesaf...

New Tourism Ambassador scheme module explores Carmarthenshire’s unique relationship with Cymraeg

Ahead of Wales Tourism Week, 15 – 21 May, Carmarthenshire County Council is urging more people to get involved and become a Carmarthenshire Ambassador. Following the...

Modiwl Cynllun Llysgenhadon Twristiaeth Newydd yn edrych ar berthynas unigryw Sir...

Cyn Wythnos Twristiaeth Cymru sydd rhwng 15 a 21 Mai, mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn annog mwy o bobl i gymryd rhan ac i...

Two people prosecuted for unnecessary suffering of livestock 

A mother and son have been prosecuted for the unnecessary suffering of livestock on their farm. Eirlys Thomas and Dewi Aeron Thomas of Cildywyll, Llanddowror,...

Interim CEO’s “honour and a privilege” representing St John Ambulance Cymru...

St John Ambulance Cymru has played its part in historic events for over a century and as the world watched King Charles and Queen...

“Anrhydedd a Braint” y Prif Weithredwr Dros Dro yn cynrychioli St...

Mae St John Ambulance Cymru wedi chwarae ei ran mewn digwyddiadau hanesyddol ers dros ganrif ac wrth i'r byd wylio'r Brenin Siarl a'r Frenhines...

Aberglasney Gardens to feature in Garddio a Mwy on S4C &...

Aberglasney Gardens to feature in S4C series 'Garddio a Mwy' presented by Carol Williams. The episode will be first shown from 8.25pm on Monday,...

Council to begin working towards silver level of Defence Employer Recognition...

Carmarthenshire County Council remains fully committed to supporting serving members of the armed forces, veterans and their families. Having been awarded the bronze level in...

Y Cyngor i ddechrau gweithio tuag at lefel arian y Cynllun...

Mae Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin yn parhau i fod yn gwbl ymrwymedig i gefnogi aelodau o'r lluoedd arfog, cyn-filwyr a'u teuluoedd. Ar ôl ennill y lefel...

Carmarthen Garden Centre donates Coronation tree to Model Church School

To celebrate the King’s Coronation this month, Carmarthen Garden Centre has donated an oak tree to the Model Church School as part of its...

Opportunity for a place on the high-street for start-up businesses

As part of the Council's regeneration strategy for the town of Carmarthen, three sales kiosks are being erected on Chapel Street to encourage small...

Cyfle i fusnesau newydd gael lle ar y stryd fawr

Fel rhan o strategaeth adfywio'r Cyngor ar gyfer tref Caerfyrddin, mae tri chiosg gwerthu yn cael eu hadeiladu ar Heol y Capel er mwyn...

 Dame Nia Griffith MP – “Cross Hands Care Home expansion opened...

New facilities to boost the quality of life for residents of a Cross Hands Care Home, including a bowling alley, coffee shop / bar...

Royal Garden party delight as Sian and family from Pembrey meet...

A charity worker from Pembrey has had her dreams come true when she met the King and other senior Royals at a Royal Garden...

EXPERT COMMENT: Drivers warned of increase in yellow box junction fines

With an increase in yellow box junction monitoring from councils putting drivers at risk of fines, Richard Evans, head of technical services at webuyanycar comments:  “With councils...

Police appeal for identity of people in image

“Dyfed-Powys Police is appealing for help to identify two people they would like to speak to following reports of a burglary, an attempted burglary and...

Rugby club raises £500 for Carmarthenshire Special Care Baby Unit

Paul Kirk, Treasurer of Whitland RFC, presented a donation of £500 to the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) at Glangwili Hospital on behalf on...

Clwb rygbi yn codi £500 ar gyfer Uned Gofal Arbennig Babanod...

Cyflwynodd Paul Kirk, Trysorydd Clwb Rygbi Hendy-gwyn ar Daf, rodd o £500 i'r Uned Gofal Arbennig Babanod (SCBU) yn Ysbyty Glangwili ar ran y...

Aldi stores in Wales set to save 73 tonnes of carbon...

Aldi has announced a series of energy saving measures in stores across Wales. Through measures like installing chiller doors, air source heat pumps and more...

Wales’ Most Dangerous Roads Have Been Revealed

A study of the latest road collisions and casualties data for Great Britain has revealed Powys to have the most dangerous roads in Wales. The...