4.9 C
Thursday, January 16, 2025

New ECG machine for SCBU, Glangwili Hospital

Thanks to local donations, Hywel Dda Health Charities has purchased a portable ECG machine for the Special Care Baby Unit at Glangwili Hospital in...

Mwy na 500 o geisiadau ar gyfer cynllun grant cartrefi gwag...

Cyhoeddodd Dirprwy Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth, Lee Waters, bod mwy na 500 o geisiadau wedi dod i law i adfywio cartrefi gwag drwy...

More than 500 applications to £10million empty homes grant scheme

More than 500 applications have been received to bring empty homes back in to use through Welsh Government’s £10 million Valleys Taskforce Empty Homes...

“Current situation with regard to students returning to university is completely...

In response to current situation for Welsh University students Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister for Post-16 Education, Helen Mary Jones MS said, "The current situation with...

Carmarthenshire Council Taking Over Glyn Nest Care Home

Cllr Rob James, Carmarthenshire Labour Leader stated "I am pleased to see that the local authority has stepped in to support Glyn Nest who...

Covid puts social care services under significant pressure

Social care services in Carmarthenshire are straining under the significant pressure of Covid-19. Both council-run and private care homes across the county are battling the...

Gwasanaeth cwnsela a llesiant emosiynol ar-lein i bobl ifanc

Mae gwasanaeth cymorth cwnsela a llesiant emosiynol ar-lein newydd i bobl ifanc yng nghanolbarth a gorllewin Cymru wedi'i lansio gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel...

Online counselling and emotional wellbeing service for young people

A new online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service for young people in mid and west Wales has been launched by Hywel Dda University...

#StillHereForYou – Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do...

‘Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today’ – Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote rings true for anyone currently needing medical advice or...

#DiogeluCymru – Peidiwch â gohirio tan yfory yr hyn y gallwch...

‘Peidiwch â gohirio tan yfory yr hyn y gallwch ei wneud heddiw’ - mae dyfyniad enwog Benjamin Franklin yn wir am unrhyw un sydd...


The British Heart Foundation is asking the public to donate their discarded presents by post, to support its shops and online platforms this New...

Covid 19 Update

#COVID19 | We are getting lots of messages asking us about the impact of  Boris Johnson  announcement last night. Here in #Wales, we follow Welsh Government restrictions. We...

Online Test, Trace and Protect additional support

An online system has been implemented in Carmarthenshire to support the Test, Trace and Protect process. People who have tested positive for COVID-19 now have...

The Signs of Modern Day Slavery

Modern slavery is a term for all forms of slavery, human trafficking and exploitation. It affects some of the most vulnerable in society, is...

Adnabod Arwyddion Caethwasiaeth Modern…

Caethwasiaeth modern yw’r term am bob math o gaethwasiaeth, masnachu mewn pobl a chamfanteisio. Mae’n effeithio ar y bobl fwyaf bregus. Nid yw’n cael ei...

Police offer insight into modern slavery as INTACT is launched

POLICE have offered an insight into the investigation of modern slavery as a new serious and organised crime campaign is launched. Dyfed-Powys Police officers have...

Council care worker awarded British Empire Medal

A Carmarthenshire County Council care worker has been recognised in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List for her services to health and social care...

Mwy o frechlynnau COVID-19 ar eu ffordd i ardaloedd Hywel Dda

Bydd mwy o bobl yn ardal Hywel Dda yn dechrau cael eu galw i ddod am frechiadau COVID-19 o ganlyniad i newyddion diweddar bod...

More COVID-19 vaccinations on their way to Hywel Dda areas

More people in the Hywel Dda area will start to be called in for COVID-19 vaccinations as a result of recent news that the...

MS raises concerns over vaccines availability for front line NHS staff

Mid and West MS Helen Mary Jones has supported the continued Coronavirus restrictions, but she has expressed concerns over the availability of vaccines for...

‘Broken Tory promises on Brexit’

Mid and West MS Helen Mary Jones speaking in a recalled Senedd to discuss the UK - EU trade agreement listed the broken promises...

Not a deal we called for, but avoids the catastrophe of...

Cllr Rob James, Leader of Carmarthenshire Labour said: "Today's vote on the future relationship with the EU is a simple choice between what is...

High-Visibility Patrols

We are carrying out high-visibility patrols at Storey Arms and engaging with people to remind them of their responsibilities to adhere to Welsh Government...

Rydym yn wlad sy’n caru’r hen draddodiadau

Rydym yn wlad sy'n caru'r hen draddodiadau, ond peidiwch â rhoi eich hunain na'ch teulu mewn perygl er mwyn gwneud hynny. Peidiwch â gwahodd coronafeirws...

No Party is Worth the Risk!

We’re a country that loves the good old traditions, but don’t put yourselves or your family at risk for the sake of it. Don’t invite...

Call 999 if in immediate danger.

Get help for #DomesticAbuse. Call 999 if in immediate danger. If you can’t speak and are calling from a mobile, listen to the operator and, when...

Galwch 999 os ydych chi mewn perygl uniongyrchol.

Ceisiwch gymorth ar gyfer camdrin domestig. Galwch 999 os ydych chi mewn perygl uniongyrchol. Os ydych chi’n methu siarad ac yn galw o ffôn symudol,...


Nobody should suffer from #DomesticAbuse. If you’re worried or suspect that someone you know may be a victim of domestic abuse, you can get information...

Dylai neb ddioddef Camdrin Domestig

Dylai neb ddioddef Camdrin Domestig Os ydych chi’n poeni neu’n amau bod rhywun rydych chi’n ei adnabod yn dioddef cam-drin domestig, cewch ragor o wybodaeth...

Licensing review underway

People in Carmarthenshire are being asked their views on the current licensing laws. Carmarthenshire County Council has developed an online consultation as part of a...

Picton monument recommendations agreed

Carmarthenshire County Council has agreed a set of recommendations for Carmarthen’s Picton monument. A cross-party Equality and Diversity (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) Task and Finish...

Mudiadau Cymraeg yn gosod her i Gymreigio technoleg

Mae staff mudiadau sy'n hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg yn ymuno mewn her fawr dros wyliau'r 'Dolig i gyfrannu 50 awr o leisiau at Common Voice Cymraeg, sy'n datblygu'r Gymraeg ym maes technoleg clyfar. Bydd staff ac aelodau yr...

Welsh organisations contribute to language technology

Organisations promoting the Welsh language have joined together for a challenge over the holidays - contribute 50 hours of voices on Common Voice Cymraeg...

Health Board pays tribute to inspirational nurse leader

It is with great sadness that Hywel Dda University Health Board confirms the recent death of Mrs Carol Cotterell, Assistant Director of Nursing based...

Y Bwrdd Iechyd yn talu teyrnged i arweinydd nyrsys ysbrydoledig

Gyda thristwch mawr hoffai Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda gadarnhau bod Mrs Carol Cotterell, ein Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol Nyrsio yn Ysbyty’r Tywysog Philip yn Llanelli,...

Police appeal for witnesses after incident on Copperworks Road Llanelli

APPEAL: We are currently investigating an alleged incident on Copperworks Road, Llanelli, yesterday (Christmas Day). Police would like to speak to anyone who was in...

No deal warning for Welsh steel industry

Mid and West MS Helen Mary Jones has issued a warning that a No Deal could hit the Welsh steel industry, including the Trostre...

Community Midwife home for Christmas after 85 day battle with COVID-19

Sharon Geggus, a community midwife from Llanelli is home for the holidays after a three month battle with coronavirus. Sharon began to feel unwell in...

HIW praise for field hospitals

Hywel Dda University Health Board have been highly praised by Health Inspectorate Wales in a recently published report. The two extra capacity sites – Ysbyty...

Canmoliaeth AGIC i ysbytai maes

Mae dau o'r ysbytai maes ar draws Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda wedi cael canmoliaeth uchel gan Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru mewn adroddiad a...

Mae ymweld â’n hysbytai

Diolch i bawb am gefnogi cyfyngiadau ymwelwyr sydd yn amddiffyn ein cleifion a'n GIG. Er mwyn cydymffurfio â mesurau pellhau cymdeithasol fel y nodwyd gan...

Hospital visiting restrictions

Thank you to everyone for supporting our visitor restrictions to protect our patients and our NHS. Visiting in our hospitals continues to be restricted over...

Llanelli Goods Shed celebrates final piece in funding jig-saw

Llanelli Railway Goods Shed has finally secured the full complement of funding needed to start on phase one of the renovation of this listed...


A ninnau ar drothwy’r Nadolig, gofynnwn i chi feddwl yn ofalus am yr hyn y ‘dylech’ ei wneud, yn hytrach na’r hyn y ‘cewch’ ei...

Keep Wales Safe

As the festive period fast approaches, please think carefully about what you ‘should do’ rather than what you ‘can do’. Coronavirus is spreading faster and wider...

Ashmole & Co News – Soulfit Gym in Llandybie punching above...

Punching above its weight is Soulfit Gym in Llandybie. The business opened in January 2020 and has gone from strength to strength, despite having...

Prentis gofal iechyd lleol yn cipio gwobr genedlaethol Arwr yr Arddegau

Cyflwynwyd gwobr genedlaethol #TeenHero i Will Jones, 17 oed o Gaerfyrddin, gan Greg James o BBC Radio 1 yr wythnos hon i gydnabod ei...

Local health care apprentice scoops national Teen Hero award

Will Jones, aged 17 from Carmarthen, was presented with a national #TeenHero award by BBC Radio 1’s Greg James this week in recognition of...

74 ‘Secret’ Boxing Day Walks in Wales – do you live...

New research by Clarks reveals nature's hidden gems across Wales that offer locals the chance of a socially distanced option for their Boxing Day walk...