15.7 C
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wales’ first plasmapheresis donor backs call for more donors in Wales...

The first donor in Wales to donate plasma through the Welsh Blood Service’s new ‘plasmapheresis’ process is calling on other males who have recovered...

Rhoddwr plasmafferesis cyntaf Cymru yn cefnogi galwad am fwy o roddwyr...

Mae'r rhoddwr cyntaf yng Nghymru i roi plasma drwy broses 'plasmafferesis' newydd Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru, yn galw ar ddynion eraill sydd wedi gwella o...


ONE of the military’s most senior figures has given his backing to an organisation which trains the next generation of recruits. Air Marshal Sir Dusty...

New report outlines the importance of game shooting to the Welsh...

“I am more active, and more engaged with nature and conservation due to my involvement in country sports” says Sarah Finch when asked about...

Double delight for Tennessee after master’s distinction

A Swansea University student and world kickboxing champion is finishing 2020 on a high after graduating in her master's. Tennessee Randall, 22, secured a distinction...

New GP ‘smart’ tool helps people with diabetes receive personalised care

A new ‘smart’ tool to help people with diabetes easily share data with their healthcare professionals (HCPs), so they can be better supported by...

Regional welcome for £55 million digital infrastructure programme

Business and political leaders throughout the Swansea Bay City Region have welcomed recent progress for a £55 million digital infrastructure programme. Following its approval at...

Festive fun for Swansea team to celebrate countdown to Christmas

The team at the Amazon fulfilment centre in Swansea is celebrating the festive season with a series of socially distanced fun events for the team to...

Ashmole & Co help Train the Next Generation of Accountants

Ashmole & Co are delighted to announce that Rachel Evans has started working in the accountancy firm’s Swansea office, whilst studying for her ACCA...

Welsh Government and Seafish announce funding support to make cockle picking...

Workers given money to buy life-saving Personal Flotation Devices following the recent loss of two cockle pickers in Wales Funding for safety equipment has been...

Llywodraeth Cymru a Seafish yn cyhoeddi cymorth ar ffurf cyllid er...

Gweithwyr yn cael arian i brynu Dyfeisiau Arnofio Personol sy'n gallu achub bywydau yn dilyn marwolaeth dau weithiwr casglu cocos yng Nghymru yn ddiweddar Mae...

Astudiaeth newydd yn dangos sut gallai mân algâu fod yn hollbwysig...

Mae ymchwil newydd gan Brifysgol Abertawe wedi datgelu y gallai mân algâu chwarae rôl hollbwysig wrth ailddefnyddio gwastraff bwyd a ffermydd yn llwyddiannus ar...

New study shows how microalgae could be crucial to circular economy

New Swansea University research has revealed microalgae could play a crucial role in not only successfully reusing food and farm waste on an industrial...

Ospreys expand Action for Children partnership with Guide Digital

Ospreys in the Community is expanding its mental health partnership with Action for Children by adopting the charity’s Guide Digital mental health literacy platform. The...

Seren ‘Gavin and Stacey’, Joanna Page, i arwain ymgyrch arwyr cymunedol...

I ddathlu Cyfrifiad 2021 yng Nghymru a Lloegr, mae cystadleuaeth wedi cael ei lansio i ddod o hyd i arwyr diymhongar ein cymunedau. Gosodir...

Joanna Page star of ‘Gavin and Stacey’ to front Census 2021...

To mark Census 2021 in England and Wales, a competition has launched to find the nation's unsung community heroes. 22 people, one for each...

Hwb ariannol i ardal brydferth yn Abertawe

Mae Dŵr Cymru, mewn partneriaeth â Chyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, Cyngor Abertawe a Chanŵio Cymru, wedi diogelu gwerth £103k o gyllid 'Mynediad at Ddŵr'...

Funding boost for Swansea beauty spot

Welsh Water in partnership with Natural Resources Wales, Swansea Council & Canoe Wales has secured £103k ‘Access to Water’ funding from Welsh Government. ...

SWP Statement – Update to Mayhill, Swansea assault – Victim dies

South Wales Police can confirm that a 48-year-old woman who was the victim of a serious assault in Mayhill on December 1 has sadly...

£500 payment scheme now open to parents and carers of children...

Parents and carers on low incomes with children who are self-isolating will be eligible for a £500 support payment. The Self-Isolation Support Scheme was launched...

Cynllun taliadau £500 yn awr ar gael i rieni a gofalwyr...

Bydd rhieni a gofalwyr ar incwm isel y mae eu plant yn gorfod hunanynysu yn gymwys i gael taliad cymorth o £500. Lansiwyd y Cynllun...

£55 million digital project for South West Wales takes major step...

Multi-million pound digital boost to future-proof City Region A £55 million investment that will help future-proof the Swansea Bay City Region’s digital infrastructure has taken...

Swansea garage spreads Christmas joy to Action for Children families

A Swansea garage has delivered some early Christmas joy to families supported by Action for Children in the city.  Swansea Young Families and the...

SWP Statement – Man charged after serious assault in Swansea

SWP Detectives have charged a 37-year-old man with Causing Grievous Bodily Harm (Sec18 GBH) after a serious assault in the Mayhill area of Swansea...

Council invests £20k to boost community crowdfunding efforts

A plan for new climbing equipment for teenagers and a community e-bike scheme have attracted financial support from Swansea Council. They were selected for the...

Transforming Towns programme to provide funding boost for towns and businesses...

Ahead of Small Business Saturday , the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government has announced a £10m funding boost for town centres, under...

Y Rhaglen Trawsnewid Trefi i roi hwb ariannol i drefi a...

Cyn dydd Sadwrn y Busnesau Bach , mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol wedi cyhoeddi hwb ariannol o £10m i ganol trefi, o...

Deck the halls … and win with Persimmon

If you enjoy spreading festive cheer with outside lights and decorations, then you could bag yourself a fantastic seasonal hamper this year – thanks...

Jaguars prowl down to Tesco Swansea to highlight supermarket’s link to...

  Volunteers from Swansea Greenpeace visited Tesco in Swansea on Friday November 27, along with other stores in the Mumbles, Sketty, Uplands and St Helen's...

Colin Ingram signs contract extension

Glamorgan Cricket is delighted to announce that Colin Ingram has signed a two-year extension at the Club as an overseas player.   Ingram, 35, will be...

A 24/7 Air Ambulance for Wales

The Wales Air Ambulance has achieved its ambition to become a 24/7 service thanks to the donations from the people of Wales. The Charity, which...

Ambiwlans Awyr 24/7 i Gymru

Mae Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru wedi gwireddu ei uchelgais o ddod yn wasanaeth 24/7 diolch i roddion gan bobl Cymru.  Bydd yr Elusen, a fydd yn...

Swansea University research study of NHS frontline workers underway to investigate...

Study investigates if Boots Dual Defence, which contains Carragelose® (a patented version of iota-carrageenan), a form of seaweed, prevents the likelihood of contracting...


Well Pharmacy has today revealed a study showing that one out every five people who tried to get a free NHS Covid test for...

Serious Assault: Swansea – investigation underway

At approximately 12:30am on Sunday, 29th November, 2020, police were called to Cromwell Street following a serious assault at an address. A 19 year-old man sustained...

Support lives and livelihoods warn Plaid as hospitality set to face...

"Making an announcement without making an announcement will only create more uncertainty" Responding to the news that pubs, restaurants and bars will be subject to...

University cancer research progress leads to partners’ funding boost

A Swansea University project’s ground-breaking work to improve diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer has helped it secure more than £3 million of investment...

Cynnydd ymchwil canser y Brifysgol yn arwain at hwb ariannol gan...

Mae gwaith arloesol prosiect Prifysgol Abertawe i wella ffyrdd o bennu diagnosis o ganser yr ofari a thrin y clefyd wedi helpu i sicrhau...

Call for significant investment in Welsh public transport following M4 report

Responding to Burns Commission report that says £800m should be invested in public transport to help ease traffic jams on the M4, Plaid Cymru Shadow Minister...

Man charge following bus collision

Officers investigating a collision between a bus and a bridge in Swansea in which one person died and a number were injured have charged...

Hywel Dda UHB statement in response to flu vaccine extension

Jill Paterson, Director of Primary Care, Community and Long Term Care and Ros Jervis, Director of Public Health at Hywel Dda University Health Board...

Hywel Dda UHB statement in response to flu vaccine extension

Dywedodd Jill Paterson, Cyfarwyddwr Gofal Sylfaenol, Gofal Cymunedol a Thymor Hir a Ros Jervis, Cyfarwyddwr Iechyd y Cyhoedd ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda:...

Choose your own adventure, a green classroom delivered to your PC

Outdoor leadership pivots to scenario-based challenges in a virtual world As COVID-19 continues to limit contact between individuals, one Welsh training company has developed a unique new way of delivering its leadership...


New research reveals two thirds more people are expected to turn to food banks this Christmas - Advent calendars, mince pies, tinned fruit, juice and cereal...

One child reported missing every hour in Wales, as Police Commissioner...

New research by NYAS Cymru (National Youth Advocacy Service) and The Children’s Society reveals that every hour another child in Wales is reported missing. The...

Climate change plan gets the green light

Swansea could go net carbon zero by the middle of the century under an ambitious vision agreed by the council's Cabinet today (November 19). Swansea...

Swansea community café and Llangennech rugby club secure funding

A community café in a Swansea park and juniors at Llangennech RFC are both celebrating after bagging donations from a leading housebuilder. The Friends of...

Partneriaeth y Brifysgol yn barod i helpu busnesau newydd i greu’r...

Bydd cydweithrediad newydd yn rhoi hwb rhwydweithio gwerthfawr i fyfyrwyr entrepreneuraidd wrth iddynt lansio eu syniadau busnes.  Mae Ysgol Reolaeth Prifysgol Abertawe wedi ymuno â...

University partnership ready to help new businesses make the right connections

A new collaboration is set to give student entrepreneurs a valuable networking boost as they launch their business ideas. Swansea University’s School of Management and...

Gower & Llwchwr Estuary Lions are celebrating 50 years of helping...

We are a small friendly club covering the area of the Gower Peninsula, Gowerton, Gorseinon and in recent years expanding through Llanelli to Kidwelly. 15...