18.1 C
Monday, September 16, 2024

Ar ôl ymweliad ysbrydoledig â Sbaen, mae’r myfyrwyr wedi’u swyno i...

Treuliodd grŵp o ddysgwyr Peirianneg Sain o Goleg Cambrig Glannau Dyfrdwy bythefnos yn Barcelona fel rhan o raglen addysg ac ymchwil. Mewn partneriaeth â’r sefydliad...

Students on track for careers in music after taking Spanish steps...

STUDENTS are on track for careers in music following an inspirational visit to Spain. A group of Sound Engineering learners from Coleg Cambria Deeside spent...

IT firm approaching 25th anniversary spearheading landmark changes to telephone communication...

A PROMINENT IT firm celebrating 20 years in business is calling on organisations to be ready for landmark changes to telephone and communication networks...

Small businesses show their love for agency creating growth opportunities in...

With the support of Antur Cymru, traders in the region successfully received grants from the Cynnal y Cardi Fund, which is delivered by Ceredigion...

BUSNESAU BACH yn dangos cariad tuag at asiantaeth fenter am greu...

Gyda chefnogaeth Antur Cymru, llwyddodd masnachwyr y rhanbarth dderbyn grantiau gan Gronfa Cynnal y Cardi, a ddarperir gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion drwy Gronfa Ffyniant...

Animal therapist holds lameness workshop for zookeepers at popular wildlife park

Matthew Shackleton, a Chester-based veterinary physio, zoo consultant and animal care practitioner at Coleg Cambria Northop, discussed and demonstrated lameness and enrichment devices at...

Gwnaeth gweithiwr blaenllaw mewn therapi anifeiliaid gynnal gweithdai i fyfyrwyr a...

Gwnaeth Matthew Shackleton, ffisiotherapydd, ymgynghorydd sŵau ac ymarferydd gofal anifeiliaid yng Ngholeg Cambria Llaneurgain, drafod ac arddangos cloffni a dyfeisiau cyfoethogi ym Mharc Bywyd...

Unique opportunity to purchase one of the most recognisable properties in...

OK A distinctive property widely considered to be one of the grandest buildings in North Wales is to be sold with a guide price of...

Wrexham Tipped as League One Contenders: Chris Wilder Backs Hollywood-Backed Red...

Wrexham have been identified as one of the teams to beat in League One this season. Hollywood Fuels Wrexham's Ambitious Rise The Welsh club, owned by...

YMUNODD Ysgrifennydd Addysg Cymru, Lynne Neagle, â myfyrwyr yn dathlu canlyniadau...

Bu Aelod Seneddol Torfaen yn cyfarfod dysgwyr yn Wrecsam wrth iddyn nhw gael eu graddau, ochr yn ochr â phrif weithredwr Cambria, Yana Williams. Ymhlith...

Busiest summer yet’ for leading North Wales pet retailer

THE leading independent pet retailer in North Wales is preparing for its busiest summer yet. PetPlace has organised a series of events, open days, demonstrations...

North Wales independent school doubles national average with outstanding A Level...

A YEAR of redevelopment, rebranding and significant investment culminated in stellar A Level results for St Gerard's School. The Bangor institution – whose learners are...

Exam results: Cabinet Secretary for Education congratulates students

The Cabinet Secretary for Education, Lynne Neagle, has congratulated learners across Wales who have received their A-level, AS, Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate and vocational qualification...

COLEG CAMBRIA: A Level and BTEC students have “raised the bar”...

STUDENTS at Coleg Cambria have “raised the bar” with outstanding A Level and BTEC results. Chief Executive Yana Williams and Principal Sue Price today (Thursday)...

Tom Tugendhat MP pledges to protect the union as he meets...

Conservative leadership candidate, Tom Tugendhat MP spoke to Conservative members and businesses across Anglesey as part of his campaign tour of the UK ...

Star bakers on the rise with double award nomination

A PAIR of talented bakers are on the rise. Naomi Spaven, lead baker and patisserie chef at Coleg Cambria's Iâl Restaurant in Wrexham, and baker...

Small grants making big impacts in North Wales

Last year local authorities in North Wales were awarded a total of £966,000 to deliver small Property Development Grants (PDGs) to improve commercial units...

Grantiau bach yn creu effaith fawr yng Ngogledd Cymru

Y llynedd, dyfarnwyd cyfanswm o £966,000 i awdurdodau lleol yng Ngogledd Cymru i ddarparu Grantiau Datblygu Eiddo bach (PDGs) er mwyn gwella unedau masnachol...

Booming promotions business approaching 35th anniversary targets net zero with expansion

AN international supplier of promotional products approaching 35 years in business has expanded its operations while targeting net zero. Flint-based Preseli Ltd successfully lowered its...

Cafodd fyfyrwyr Cambria antur addysg “emosiynol iawn” yn cynorthwyo cymunedau yn...

Aeth ugain o fyfyrwyr Coleg Cambria ar daith heb ei hail i Gambodia, lle gwnaethon nhw addysgu sgiliau Saesneg i blant mewn Canolfan Addysg...

Caring learners support Cambodian children on emotional education adventure

Twenty students from Coleg Cambria experienced the trip of a lifetime to Cambodia, where they taught English skills to children at a Supplementary Education...

School pupils enjoy day of animal magic at North Wales college

MORE than 50 schoolchildren enjoyed a skills day amidst the creature comforts of Coleg Cambria Northop. Pupils from Ysgol Owen Jones, based in the Flintshire...

North Wales college to host two days of open events at...

COLEG CAMBRIA will host open days for prospective students this summer. The college’s sites at Northop, Deeside, Llysfasi, and Bersham Road and Yale in Wrexham...

Llanberis Named a Top Tourist Spot for Electric Vehicles in the...

Llanberis, Snowdonia named among best places to visit outside of a city in the UK for EV owners Newquay took the top spot with...

Returning festival of diversity and inclusion unites hundreds of staff and...

A RETURNING celebration of inclusion and diversity united hundreds of students at Coleg Cambria. CambriaFest 2024 was held in Deeside and attended by more than...

Mae dathliad o gydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth wedi uno cannoedd o fyfyrwyr...

Cafodd Gŵyl Cambria 2024 ei chynnal yng Nglannau Dyfrdwy a daeth dros 520 o ddysgwyr a staff, gan gynnwys rhai o safleoedd eraill y...

College strengthens support for festival of diversity, equality and LGBTQ+ community

The north east Wales college will sponsor the Teen Zone at this year’s Chester Pride event. The free festival is to be held on Saturday...

Mae Coleg Cambria wedi cadarnhau ei gymorth hyd yn oed yn...

The north east Wales college will sponsor the Teen Zone at this year’s Chester Pride event. The free festival is to be held on Saturday...

College supports STEM in schools with state-of-the-art tech donations

COLEG CAMBRIA encouraged the development of advanced engineering among young people in North Wales by donating state-of-the-art 3D printing equipment to secondary schools. Dan Jones,...

Llandrindod Wells postcode least burgled in UK, according to new data

New research carried out by Anglian Home Improvements has revealed Llandrindod Wells is the safest postcode to be a homeowner in the UK, based on burglary...

Welsh food producers on mission to make school menus more sustainable...

CELEBRATING Welsh produce is food and drink to Larder Cymru. The team behind the pioneering initiative will be attending the LACA School Food Show in...

MAE DATHLU cynnyrch Cymreig yn fwyd a diod i Larder Cymru.

Bydd y tîm y tu ôl i'r fenter arloesol yn mynychu Sioe Fwyd Ysgol LACA yn Birmingham dros gyfnod o ddeuddydd o ddydd Mercher...

From social housing to super yachts and carpets for the King...

Celebrating six decades in the luxury carpets and flooring industry, the Llandudno and London-based firm – one of only seven companies in Wales to...

Esteemed author and Shakespeare academic to complete time-travel trilogy following book...

AN ESTEEMED academic and author is planning the third in a series of popular novels about a time-travelling psychotherapist and his Shakespearian exploits. One of...

Educating explorers smash hospice fundraising target with huge charity challenge

Karl Jackson, Assistant Principal for the Institute of Technology at Coleg Cambria’s Bersham Road site in Wrexham, and colleague Carl Roberts, Director for Curriculum...

Mae arloeswyr o Goleg Cambria wedi chwalu eu targed codi arian...

Mae Karl Jackson, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol y Sefydliad Technoleg ar safle Ffordd y Bers Coleg Cambria yn Wrecsam, a’i gydweithiwr Carl Roberts, Cyfarwyddwr Cwricwlwm Peirianneg,...

LESSONS at a primary school will be great outdoors thanks to...

The college donated bat houses, birdboxes, and mud kitchens to Ysgol Rhosymedre, near Wrexham. The equipment was built by Entry to Construction learners at Cambria’s Bersham...

Welsh school converts surge in demand for rugby training into trophy...

YSGOL EIRIAS converted a rise in demand for rugby training into sporting success. In just six months, more than 800 pupils at the Colwyn Bay...

YMDRECHION CLWB cymdeithasol poblogaidd i gyrraedd sero net yn medi’r llwyddiant.

                            Mae Clwb Cymdeithasol a Chymunedol Ewlo wedi llwyddo i leihau...

North Wales venue aiming to become first net zero social club...

                                                      A POPULAR social club which poured its...

Annual student awards celebrate success at leading North Wales college

COLEG CAMBRIA celebrated the dedication and skill of learners and apprentices at its annual Student Awards. The college’s Yale site in Wrexham held events for...

Urdd Youth Theatre Company tours Wales with brand-new production

Following the success of last year's staging of 'Deffro'r Gwanwyn' , the Urdd's Youth Theatr Company is back with a brand-new production this summer, 'Ble...

Cwmni Theatr Ieuenctid yr Urdd yn dychwelyd gyda chynhyrchiad newydd sbon

Yn dilyn llwyddiant y llwyfaniad o 'Deffro'r Gwanwyn' y llynedd, mae Cwmni Theatr Ieuenctid yr Urdd (Y Cwmni) yn ei ôl gyda chynhyrchiad newydd...

Legal firm sees rise in family law cases despite drop in...

THE cost-of-living crisis, fewer marriages and a more settled period following the Covid-19 pandemic have contributed to a decrease in divorces in the UK. But...

Restaurant group and enterprise hub serve-up 900+ food parcels for children...

AN ACCLAIMED restaurant group and social enterprise organisation are serving up more than 900 wellbeing food boxes for families in North Wales. Led by the...

Mae grŵp bwyty enwog a sefydliad menter gymdeithasol yn darparu mwy...

Dan arweiniad Prifysgol y Plant a chyda chefnogaeth gan gynllun Neges Menter Môn, caiff y fenter ei hariannu gan Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru...

Booming Culture Club is music to the ears of students in...

THE success of a booming culture club was music to the ears of students in Wrexham. Coleg Cambria’s Culture Collective welcomed more than 50 learners...

Cafodd arweinydd o Goleg Cambria ei dewis i helpu i hyrwyddo...

Rheolwr Dysgu yn y Gwaith, Kate Muddiman ydy Llysgennad Gogledd Cymru ar gyfer The Burnt Chef Project. Mae’r sefydliad byd-eang yn darparu addysg, arweiniad, ac...

College leader to represent North Wales as ambassador for global charity...

A LEADER from Coleg Cambria was selected to help champion mental health awareness and support in the hospitality industry. Work-based Learning Manager Kate Muddiman is...

Business boss reflects on first year at independent school – huge...

AN ENTERPRISING business manager celebrating his first year with a leading independent school reflected on a period of growth, redevelopment, and investment. St Gerard’s School...