8.1 C
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Ysgol gynradd gyntaf Cymru yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiect codi ymwybyddiaeth...

Mae disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 Ysgol Pen Rhos, Llanelli, yn helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o ganser y coluddyn a sgrinio canser y coluddyn yn eu...

First primary school in Wales takes part in awareness-raising bowel cancer...

Year 6 pupils at Ysgol Pen Rhos, Llanelli, are helping to raise awareness of bowel cancer and bowel cancer screening in their community as...


Mae Bouygues UK a Whitehead Building Services wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi 10 prentis mecanyddol a thrydanol trwy gynllun prentisiaethau ar y cyd Cyfle.   Mae Cynllun...

Adroddiad arbennig ar gyfer gwasanaeth ymateb cymunedol Llesiant Delta

Mae gwasanaeth ymateb cymunedol Llesiant Delta wedi derbyn adroddiad arbennig yn dilyn ei arolygiad blynyddol gan Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC). Fel rheoleiddiwr annibynnol gofal cymdeithasol...

Delta Wellbeing and Hywel Dda Health Board win ‘Partnerships in TEC’...

A TELEHEALTH project which is supporting patients across west Wales to manage their health and make sure they are fit for surgery has won...

Public Health Wales and Hywel Dda University Health Board response to...

Public Health Wales and Hywel Dda University Health Board response to independent review into Llwynhendy TB outbreak. Public Health Wales and Hywel Dda University Health...

Ymateb Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda i...

Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda (BIP) wedi croesawu cyhoeddi'r adolygiad annibynnol o'r achosion hirsefydlog o dwbercwlosis (TB) Llwynhendy, ac...

Children and young person’s drop-in flu clinics to be held in...

Drop-in nasal spray flu vaccination clinics for children aged 2 to 16 years old (age on 31 August 2022) are being held at the...

Clinigau ffliw galw heibio i blant a phobl ifanc i’w cynnal...

Mae clinigau brechu ffliw chwistrell trwyn galw heibio ar gyfer plant 2 a 16 oed (oed ar 31 Awst 2022) yn cael eu cynnal...

Clinigau brechlyn y ffliw galw heibio i blant wedi’u cyhoeddi gan...

Mae clinigau brechlyn y ffliw drwy chwistrell drwynol galw heibio ar gyfer plant 2 a 3 oed (ar 31 Awst 2022) yn cael eu...

Children’s flu vaccination drop-in clinics announced by Hywel Dda UHB 

Drop-in nasal spray flu vaccination clinics for children aged 2 and 3 years old (on 31 August 2022) are being held at vaccination centres...

Prosiect Calonnau Iach yn cael ei lansio yn Sir Gaerfyrddin

Mae prosiect newydd i gynorthwyo unigolion ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin i ddilyn ffordd iachach o fyw wedi cael ei lansio yr wythnos hon. Byddprosiect Calonnau Iach...

Healthy Hearts project launches in Carmarthenshire

A new project to assist individuals across Carmarthenshire to follow a healthier lifestyle has been launched this week. The Healthy Hearts project will work collaboratively...

Looking for help with an eye problem – look no further...

Look no further than your local Opticians and Optometrist when you have an emergency or problem with your eyes. Skilled Optometrists are on-hand to...

Chwilio am help gyda phroblem llygaid – edrychwch dim pellach na’ch...

Peidiwch ag edrych ymhellach na'ch Optegydd a'ch Optometrydd lleol pan fydd gennych argyfwng neu broblem gyda'ch llygaid. Mae Optometryddion Medrus wrth law i gynnig...

Hywel Dda Health Board: Health Board takes actions to protect health...

Health and care services across West Wales are responding to the impacts of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in order to provide emergency and...

Bwrdd Iechyd yn cymryd camau i amddiffyn darpariaeth iechyd a gofal...

Mae gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal ledled Gorllewin Cymru yn ymateb i effeithiau'r amrywiad Omicron o COVID-19 er mwyn darparu gofal brys a gofal mewn...

Free shuttle bus from Llanelli town centre to Dafen mass vaccination...

Free shuttle bus from Llanelli town centre to Dafen mass vaccination centre. People can board the shuttle bus on the hour and at half-past...

New Covid Rules For Wales

The Welsh Government is issuing strong guidance to support people across Wales through the Christmas period. Wales will then introduce new restrictions, including for businesses...

Seven Reasons Why You Should Stay Hydrated During Pandemic

Since the advent of the new coronavirus, the disease has caused millions of deaths and injuries worldwide. Although there are many known types of viruses,...

Update on easing of hospital visiting restrictions

Family, friends and well-wishers can attend our hospitals to visit patients on a limited basis with prior agreement with hospital staff in line with...

Diweddariad ar llacio cyfyngiadau ymweld ag ysbytai

Gall teulu, ffrindiau ac anwyliaid fynychu ein hysbytai i ymweld â chleifion ar sail gyfyngedig gyda chytundeb ymlaen llaw â staff ysbytai yn unol...

Health research team welcomes generous donation in memory of Lynne Drummond

Hywel Dda University Health Board wishes to thank the Drummond family for their donation of £5,100 to the Research and Development Department at Prince...

Hywel Dda Health Charities’ involvement in Captain Tom 100 challenge

  New fundraising initiative over Captain Tom’s birthday weekend of Friday 30 April to Bank Holiday Monday 3 May to celebrate his life and...

Cyfranogiad Elusennau Iechyd Hywel Dda yn her Capten Tom 100

• Menter codi arian newydd dros benwythnos pen-blwydd Capten Tom, sef dydd Gwener 30 Ebrill, i Ddydd Gŵyl y Banc ddydd Llun 3 Mai...

60 days and over 500,000 doses delivered

As the total vaccinated exceeds more than 523,000 today, this now means almost one in every six adults have had their first dose of...

Darn gan Gadeirydd BIP Hywel Dda: Peidiwch â cholli gobaith –...

Yn naturiol, mae pobl wedi blino ac yn teimlo’n bryderus ar ôl bron i flwyddyn o fod o dan warchae'r pandemig hwn. Mae'n hawdd...

Hywel Dda UHB Chair feature: Please don’t lose hope – vaccines...

People are naturally tired and weary and frightened after almost a year of being under the siege of this pandemic.  It`s easy to lose...

Rhod Gilbert supports Welsh NHS Charity Christmas Campaign

Carmarthen born comedian Rhod Gilbert has pledged his support to a West Wales NHS charity’s Give a Gift Appeal, with a video message inspiring...

Bydd y gwasanaeth blynyddol Yn Ein Calonnau Am Byth yn cael...

Bob blwyddyn, mae Adran Gofal Ysbrydol Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda ynghyd â Phwyllgor Codi Arian Tŷ Cymorth yn cynnal Gwasanaeth Yn Ein Calonnau...

Annual ‘Their Love Still Shines’ online service announced

The annual Their Love Still Shines service will be held as a virtual memorial service this year at 6.30pm on Monday 30 November 2020. Hywel...

COVID-19 patients isolated at Llandovery Hospital

Llandovery Hospital has isolated a number of patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.All patients are stable and being cared for in isolation and according to...

Accessing planned and emergency care in Hywel Dda UHB during the...

Hywel Dda University Health Board is providing clarity on what circuit breaker restrictions mean for residents accessing hospital appointments or emergency care during this...

Council Leader’s thank you to Llanelli residents

https://vimeo.com/464250375 Residents in Llanelli are being thanked for all their efforts to help control the spread of Covid-19 – almost a week after new local...

Council steps up enforcement of social distancing measures

Carmarthenshire County Council is taking a tough stance on social distancing to help protect the county from the threat of Covid-19. A large team of...

Social distancing plea following COVID-19 cases in Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire County Council is calling on residents and visitors to take responsibility for social distancing as a cluster of positive Covid-19 cases are confirmed...

Businesses reminded about record keeping during Covid-19

Hospitality businesses in Carmarthenshire are being reminded of their responsibility to keep records of their staff, visitors and customers. Welsh Covid-19 regulations make it compulsory...

Face coverings for secondary school pupils

Secondary school pupils in Carmarthenshire will be required to wear face coverings on school transport and in school indoor communal areas where social distancing...

Ysbyty Enfys Caerfyrddin provides care for patients / Ysbyty Enfys Caerfyrddin...

Carmarthen’s field hospital Ysbyty Enfys Caerfyrddin has welcomed its first patients, providing care and support for those who no longer need medical input but...

Hywel Dda Chief Executive praises “remarkable effort” as COVID-19 field hospitals...

Hywel Dda Chief Executive praises "remarkable effort" as COVID-19 field hospitals are completed Hywel Dda University Health Board Chief Executive Steve Moore has paid tribute...

Work well underway on Carmarthenshire’s temporary hospitals

Rapid progress is being made converting three sites in Carmarthenshire into temporary medical provision. Carmarthenshire County Council has commissioned its framework contractors to prepare Carmarthen...

NHS Visiting Restrictions across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire

Update from Hywel Dda University Health Board: Thank you to everyone for supporting our visitor restrictions to protect our patients and our NHS. We have...

Llanelli Town Council – COVID 19

The following provides an update on the current position in relation to Town Council Facilities during the COVID 19 crisis. In a joint statement, Llanelli...

Council converts buildings to create NHS beds for COVID-19

Carmarthenshire County Council is working with Hywel Dda University Health Board to put hundreds of additional beds in place, in the event they will...

Coronavirus: Challenges arising from sudden surge in tourism

The Leaders of Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire County Councils have consulted with leaders at; Hywel Dda University Health Board and MPs and AMs across...

Defibrillator At Town Council Offices

Llanelli Town Council recently installed three life-saving Defibrillators at the Town Council offices, the Selwyn Samuel Centre and Stebonheath Stadium – Town Council members...