Taith gerdded bywyd gwyllt i gefnogwyr Ymddiriedolaeth y Parc Cenedlaethol
Cafodd cefnogwyr Ymddiriedolaeth Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro weld bywyd gwyllt anhygoel yn ystod taith gerdded dywysedig drwy ddôl Skrinkle yn ddiweddar.
Trefnwyd y digwyddiad, a...
National Park Trust supporters take a walk on the wild side
Supporters of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust were treated to a dazzling display of wildlife during a recent guided walk through Skrinkle Meadow.
Celebrating 70 years at the National Park’s County Show marquee
The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority will be celebrating 70 spectacular years at the Pembrokeshire County Show on the 17 and 18 August, showcasing...
Dathlu 70 mlynedd ym mhabell y Parc Cenedlaethol yn Sioe’r Sir
Bydd Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn dathlu'r 70 mlynedd ysblennydd yn Sioe Sir Benfro ar 17 a 18 Awst, lle bydd yn dangos...
Outdoor play project hits six-month milestone
An outdoor play project set up by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust is celebrating six months of supporting parents and carers of pre-school...
Cyfleoedd siopa a hwyl greadigol yn Oriel y Parc yr haf...
Mae’r haf wedi cyrraedd Oriel a Chanolfan Ymwelwyr Oriel y Parc yn Nhyddewi, lle bydd Marchnad Grefft a rhaglen gyffrous o weithdai i blant...
Creative fun and shopping opportunities at Oriel y Parc this summer
Summer has well and truly arrived at Oriel y Parc Gallery and Visitor Centre in St Davids, where a Craft Market and an exciting...
Park Authority urges extreme caution following spate of wildfires
The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority is urging members of the public to avoid lighting fires and take great care with barbecues, following a...
Awdurdod y Parc yn annog pobl i fod yn eithriadol o...
Yn dilyn nifer o danau glaswellt yn y sir dros y dyddiau diwethaf, mae Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn annog aelodau o'r cyhoedd...
Fundraisers invited to get active in new Pembrokeshire Coast National Park...
The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust is encouraging members of the public to explore the world-class landscape around them as part of a fundraiser...
Gwahodd codwyr arian i gadw’n heini yn Sialens Newydd Parc Cenedlaethol...
Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn annog aelodau'r cyhoedd i archwilio'r dirwedd o'r radd flaenaf o'u cwmpas fel rhan o ddigwyddiad codi arian...
Discover meadows on your doorstep on Pembrokeshire Open Meadows Day
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority is encouraging people to make the most of Pembrokeshire Open Meadows Day on Saturday 2 July, with gates opening...
Darganfod dolydd ar garreg eich drws ar Ddiwrnod Dolydd Agored Sir...
Mae Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn annog pobl i wneud y gorau o Ddiwrnod Dolydd Agored Sir Benfro ddydd Sadwrn 2 Gorffennaf, gyda...
Martletwy county councillor moves to Park Authority Chair as new Members...
Cllr Di Clements was voted in as the new Chair of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority at its Annual General Meeting on 15...
Ethol cynghorydd sir Martletwy fel Cadeirydd Awdurdod y Parc wrth i...
Cafodd y Cynghorydd Di Clements ei hethol fel Cadeirydd newydd Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn y Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol ar 15 Mehefin.
Mae'r Cyng...
Become a Force for Nature with the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park...
A popular mini-grant scheme run by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust is open once again for applications.
Last year, 10 local non-profit groups received Force for...
Rhannwch eich lluniau o Arfordir Penfro i gael cyfle i ennill...
Mae Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn golygu pethau gwahanol i wahanol bobl; cartref, gwaith neu hoff le gwyliau i lawer dros y 70 mlynedd...
Share your photos of the Pembrokeshire Coast for a chance to...
The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park means different things to different people, being a home, a place of work or a favourite holiday-spot for many...
Lifts Approved
Two new access lifts and disabled parking will be built at a Newport property in a prime location on the estuary.
Read the full article on our website.
St Ishmaels Site
PCNPA - Committee to visit St Ishmaels development site in light of concerns raised by school headteacher.
Read the full article on our website.
Join in 70-mile challenge to celebrate National Park’s 70th anniversary
A series of walks has been organised to give people the chance to join in with the celebrations marking 70 years since the Pembrokeshire...
Ymunwch â’r her 70 milltir i ddathlu pen-blwydd y Parc Cenedlaethol...
Mae cyfres o deithiau cerdded wedi'u trefnu i roi cyfle i bobl ymuno yn y dathliadau i nodi 70 mlynedd ers dynodi Arfordir Penfro...
PCNPA Not Meeting Planning Targets And Other Performance Details
The time taken to decide planning applications in the National Park is still below target in more than a quarter of cases but is improving.
Cyffro’r Pasg ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro
Mae gan Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro amrywiaeth o weithgareddau a digwyddiadau sy'n addas i bob aelod o'r teulu dros wyliau'r Pasg, yn amrywio...
Expect Easter excitement in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has a range of activities and events to suit every member of the family this Easter holiday, ranging...
New Freshwater East slipway access restrictions set to begin
Members of the public will not be able to use the slipway at Freshwater East for boat launching by vehicle from 4 April to...
Cyfyngiadau newydd ar y gweill ar fynediad i lithrffordd Freshwater East
Ni fydd aelodau o'r cyhoedd yn gallu defnyddio'r llithrffordd yn Freshwater East ar gyfer cychod sy'n cael eu lansio gan gerbyd rhwng 4 Ebrill...
Park Authority recognised for support and development for its Members
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has been praised for going “above and beyond” to provide support and development for its Members by the Welsh...
Awdurdod y Parc yn cael ei gydnabod am gynorthwyo a datblygu...
Mae Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru (CLlLC) wedi canmol Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro am fynd “y filltir ychwanegol” i gynorthwyo a datblygu ei Aelodau.
Whose Planet? Our Planet! Whose Future? Our Future!
As global leaders gathered at the COP26 summit to discuss urgent action on climate change, members of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Youth Committee...
Planed Pwy? Ein Planed Ni! Dyfodol Pwy? Ein Dyfodol Ni!
Wrth i arweinwyr y byd ymgynnull yn uwchgynhadledd COP26 i drafod gweithredu brys ar newid yn yr hinsawdd, gwnaeth aelodau Pwyllgor Ieuenctid Parc Cenedlaethol...
Parcmyn Haf yn paratoi ar gyfer hanner tymor prysur o hwyl...
Mae Parcmyn Haf Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro wedi bod yn olygfa gyfarwydd i lawer trwy gydol y misoedd cynhesach. Nawr, diolch i gyllid...
Summer Rangers gear up for a busy half-term of autumn fun
The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s Summer Rangers have been a familiar sight to many throughout the warmer months. Now, thanks to funding from...
Local projects benefit from Sustainable Development funding
As global leaders prepare to reveal their updated plans for reducing carbon emissions at the COP26 summit at the end of this month, great...
Prosiectau lleol yn elwa o’r Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy
Wrth i arweinyddion byd eang baratoi i ddatgelu eu cynlluniau diweddaraf ar gyfer lleihau Allyriadau Carbon yng nghynhadledd COP26 ddiwedd y mis, mae Sir...
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust offers free will writing service
Members of the public are being invited by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust to put their affairs in order for free, thanks to...
Ymddiriedolaeth Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn cynnig gwasanaeth ysgrifennu ewyllys am...
Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn gwahodd aelodau o’r cyhoedd i roi trefn ar eu pethau yn rhad ac am ddim, diolch i...
Digwyddiad i gefnogwyr yn tynnu sylw at lwyddiannau elusen leol
Roedd digwyddiad diweddar a gynhaliwyd gan Ymddiriedolaeth Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn gyfle i gefnogwyr hen a newydd ddysgu mwy am waith yr elusen...
Supporter event showcases the achievements of local charity
Supporter event showcases the achievements of local charity
A recent event held by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust gave supporters old and new the...
Atyniadau’r Parc Cenedlaethol yn paratoi ar gyfer hwyl Calan Gaeaf ysbrydoledig...
Gall pobl leol ac ymwelwyr o bob oed edrych ymlaen at gael hwyl gwerth chweil yr hanner tymor hwn mewn tri atyniad sy'n cael...
National Park attractions gear up for ghoulish goings-on and hair-raising Halloween...
Locals and visitors of all ages can look forward to some fiendishly good fun this half-term at three attractions run by the Pembrokeshire Coast...
Coast to Coast grabs gold at national award ceremony
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority's long-running visitor newspaper Coast to Coast was one of the gold winners at the recent CIPR Cymru Wales PRide Awards.
The free...
Coast to Coast yn cipio’r wobr aur mewn seremoni wobrwyo genedlaethol
Roedd Coast to Coast, papur newydd i ymwelwyr Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro, yn un o enillwyr aur Gwobrau PRide CIPR Cymru Wales yn ddiweddar.
Enillodd y...
Virtual Archaeology Day to reveal Pembrokeshire’s rich heritage and history
The Pembrokeshire Coast Archaeology Day will return on 20 November 2021 with presentations on a range of exciting projects and excavations from across the...
Diwrnod Archaeoleg Rhithwir i ddatgelu hanes a threftadaeth gyfoethog Sir Benfro
Bydd Diwrnod Archaeoleg Arfordir Penfro yn dychwelyd ar 20 Tachwedd 2021 gyda chyflwyniadau ar amrywiaeth o brosiectau cyffrous a gwaith cloddio yn digwydd ym...
Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn cyhoeddi ei Adroddiad Blynyddol ar...
Mae Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro wedi cyhoeddi ei Adroddiad Blynyddol ar Safonau'r Gymraeg ar gyfer mis Ebrill 2020 i fis Mawrth 2021.
Mae Mesur...
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority publishes its Welsh Language Standards Annual...
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has published its Welsh Language Standards Annual Report for April 2020 to March 2021.
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011...
UTP team up with Visit Pembrokeshire to support member businesses and...
UTP Merchant Services, a provider of market leading credit and debit card payment solutions, has partnered with Visit Pembrokeshire to provide cost savings and...
UTP team up with Visit Pembrokeshire to support member businesses and...
UTP Merchant Services, a provider of market leading credit and debit card payment solutions, has partnered with Visit Pembrokeshire to provide cost savings and...
Cadeirydd Awdurdod y Parc yn wynebu Her Llwybr yr Arfordir
Yr hydref hwn, bydd y Cynghorydd Paul Harries, Cadeirydd Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro, yn cerdded Llwybr Arfordir Sir Benfro.
Roedd y daith gerdded wedi’i...