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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Gwobrau diabetes: Llwyddiant dwbl i’r Brifysgol

Mae uwch-diwtor er anrhydedd a myfyriwr gradd meistr o Brifysgol Abertawe wedi cael eu hanrhydeddu am eu hymroddiad i ofal diabetes mewn seremoni fawr...

Professor’s new role helping to promote nanomedicine across the UK

Swansea University Medical School’s Professor Steve Conlan has taken up a key role helping to highlight UK nanomedicine research. He has been appointed Chair of...

Athro’n helpu i hyrwyddo nanofeddygaeth ledled y DU yn ei rôl...

Mae'r Athro Steve Conlan o Ysgol Feddygaeth Prifysgol Abertawe wedi derbyn rôl allweddol yn helpu i dynnu sylw at ymchwil i nanofeddygaeth yn y...

Swansea schools save money by reducing their carbon footprint

Three Swansea schools are set to see their energy bills reduced after they had solar cells fitted during the summer holidays. Swansea Council is working...

Prifysgol Abertawe’n un o fannau gwyrdd gorau’r wlad

Mae Prifysgol Abertawe wedi cael ei henwi ymysg enillwyr Gwobr y Faner Werdd unwaith eto eleni. Dyma arwydd rhyngwladol sy'n dynodi parc neu fan...

Swansea University judged one of country’s best green spaces

Swansea University has once again been named among the winners of this year’s Green Flag Awards – the international mark of a quality park...

Student Matt says Covid-19 taught him what it really means to...

When Swansea University nursing student Matt Townsend was given the opportunity to join the NHS frontline at the height of coronavirus crisis, he knew just what...

Y myfyriwr Matt yn dweud fod Covid-19 wedi dysgu iddo beth...

Pan gafodd Matt Townsend, myfyriwr nyrsio o Brifysgol Abertawe, gyfle i ymuno â rheng flaen y GIG ar anterth argyfwng y coronafeirws, roedd yn...

Research reveals how pandemic has hit vital breastfeeding support

A new research collaboration led by Swansea University has highlighted a lack of high-quality breastfeeding support for some families during the Covid-19 pandemic. It found...

Y Brifysgol yn cael dau lwyddiant cynaliadwyedd

Mae ymrwymiad Prifysgol Abertawe i gynaliadwyedd wedi arwain at ddau gyflawniad. Yn ogystal ag ennill ardystiad Safon Gwastraff yr Ymddiriedolaeth Garbon am ei gwaith...

University marks double sustainability success

Swansea University’s commitment to sustainability has led toa double achievement. It has not only achieved the Carbon Trust Standard for Waste certification for its work to reduce waste around its...

Protests, strikes and sharing a room with Paul McCartney. . ....

Swansea University has seen thousands of students pass through its doors in the past 100 years, but few can have had a more eventful...

Study focuses on best way to handle 999 calls from Covid-19...

Two members of staff at Swansea University Medical School are part of a new collaborative study related to Covid-19 which has just won funding...