20.9 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Barn Cymru Poll puts Labour in comfortable lead over Conservatives...

ITV Cymru Wales and Cardiff University's latest opinion poll has revealed that support for Labour in Wales is at its highest since 2012. The Barn...

Leader of the Welsh Conservatives Andrew RT Davies reacts to the...

It will be a betrayal unless we actually start to deliver on the economic, international, and domestic concerns that people have about rebuilding after...

‘Nadolig Gwyrdd i Bawb’ – Prif Weinidog Cymru yn lansio cystadleuaeth...

Mae Mark Drakeford, y Prif Weinidog, yn gofyn i artistiaid ifanc brwdfrydig gymryd rhan yn ei gystadleuaeth dylunio cerdyn Nadolig eleni. Bydd y cynllun buddugol...

Local MP Virginia Crosbie meets charity to discuss issues affecting deaf...

Ynys Môn MP Virginia Crosbie met with representatives from the National Deaf Children's Society at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester on Tuesday, October...

Enjoy the holidays and keep Wales safe this summer says Economy...

Enjoy the holidays and keep Wales safe this summer says Economy Minister As the summer holidays begin, Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething will today visit Dŵr...

Welsh Conservatives call for gyms and outdoor hospitality to be given...

Ahead of the Welsh Government's latest review (tomorrow, April 1), the Welsh Conservatives have called for gyms and outdoor hospitality to be given the...

Labour must provide more detail on getting out of lockdown

Commenting on the easing of travel restrictions in Wales, Andrew RT Davies MS, the Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader, said: “We’ve been in lockdown longer than...

Welsh Conservatives welcome Labour’s U-turn over large-scale incinerators

Russell George MS – the Shadow Minister for Economy, Transport and Mid Wales – has expressed his delight that Labour has listened to Welsh...

Hypocrisy and confusion over international travel at Cardiff Airport

International flights to and from state-owned Cardiff Airport were put to the First Minister during Plenary by Andrew RT Davies MS – the Welsh...

Lockdown anniversary is a ‘time to pause and to reflect

Marking the first anniversary of a lockdown being imposed, Andrew RT Davies MS – the Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader – has invited people across...

‘Dire’ hospital waiting list needs immediate attention – before it is...

There are some 50,000 patients – the combined population of Rhyl and Prestatyn – waiting more than 36 weeks to see clinicians in North...

Difficult questions must be asked, and answered, over DNR notices

The Shadow Minister for Health and Social Services – Angela Burns MS – has said that it is time for transparency and honesty over...

Labour’s misleading claim over Welsh Conservative funding for PCSOs must be...

Mark Isherwood MS – the Shadow Minister for Finance – has reacted robustly to a claim today (March 16) made during Plenary by the...

Davies praises Integrated Review

The Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader – Andrew RT Davies MS – has welcomed the UK Government’s Integrated Review, published today (March 16). Billed as the...

Welsh Conservatives call for a Wales-specific Covid public inquiry sooner, not...

Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader – Andrew RT Davies MS – has challenged the First Minster to commit to a Wales-specific inquiry sooner rather than...

Welsh Lib Dem Minister announces £30 million boost to Welsh-medium education

Kirsty Williams the Welsh Liberal Democrat Education Minister has today announced an additional £30 million to develop new Welsh-medium education. The capital investment aims to...

Shadow Minister: ‘Emotional wellbeing of babies and toddlers must be a...

Laura Anne Jones MS – the Shadow Minister for Children and Young People – has added her voice to those charities concerned about how...

Concern over approach to ‘long Covid’

Angela Burns MS – the Shadow Health Minister – has expressed her concern over how Post-Covid-19 syndrome – commonly known as "long Covid" –...

Cardiff Airport: nationalised airport now worth just £15 million

Cardiff Airport is now worth just £15 million, according to the Welsh Government. The valuation was revealed in response to questions by Welsh Conservative Darren...

Wales needed a Budget for Covid recovery; Labour hasn’t provided it

Commenting ahead of the Labour Government's Debate on its Final Budget 2021-22, the Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Finance, Mark Isherwood MS, said: "Wales –...

Labour has dismissed the hard work of the Welsh people in...

Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader Andrew RT Davies MS today (March 9) tackled the First Minister over comments made by the one of his Cabinet...

Shadow Environment Minister backs approach from CLA over nitrate vulnerable zones

Janet Finch-Saunders MS – the Shadow Environment and Rural Affairs Minister – has backed a call from rural economy agency Country Land and Business...

Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader: ‘The Commonwealth makes us all collectively stronger’

Ahead of Commonwealth Day (tomorrow, March 8), Andrew RT Davies MS – the Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader – has praised the value of the...

Taxpayer hit by new £130m bill for Cardiff Airport

Commenting on the Welsh Government’s latest statement on financial support for Cardiff Airport, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Economy, Russell George MS said: “The aviation...

Betsi Cadwaladr: ‘It’s still in special measures in all but name’

Commenting on today's statement about Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, the Shadow Minister for Health – Angela Burns MS – said: "Labour's Health Minister can...

Welsh Conservatives celebrate CPR being added to the new school curriculum

Campaigners celebrated victory last night as Wales joined England and Scotland in finally making the teaching of life saving skills a requirement of the...

Welsh Conservatives call for council tax freeze

Andrew RT Davies MS, the Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader, called for a freeze on council tax rises today during First Minister’s Questions. Mr Davies said: “As...

Labour should back green energy schemes, not abandon them

Welsh Conservatives have today (March 2), renewed their call for the private hydropower sector in Wales to be supported by the Welsh Government after...

Welsh Conservatives hail Chancellor’s announcement a ‘budget for recovery’

"Job creation and recovery from the pandemic are at the very heart of the UK Government's budget", said Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader Andrew RT Davies...

Labour still ignoring the retail, hospitality, and tourism sectors

Commenting on the announcement of a further £682 million being released by the Welsh Government to tackle Coronavirus, Andrew RT Davies MS – the...

Number of looked-after children in Wales rises 63 percent in 15...

A report on looked-after children raises more questions than answers, says Laura Anne Jones MS, the Shadow Minister for Children and Young People. Some...

MS proposes British Sign Language Bill in the Senedd

Mark Isherwood MS, the Shadow Minister for North Wales, has today (February 24) introduced a Member’s Legislative Proposal for a British Sign Language Bill for...

Welsh Conservatives press for people with learning disabilities to be prioritised...

Commenting after today’s Covid briefing, Angela Burns MS, the Shadow Minister for Health, said: “Naturally enough, we welcome the Minister’s pledge that all adults in...

Shadow Rural Affairs Minister comments on future RDP statement

Speaking after the statement on the Future domestic Rural Development Programme, Janet Finch-Saunders MS – the Shadow Rural Affairs Minister said: “I made clear that,...

Welsh Conservatives back call to end ‘radio silence’ over small businesses

Russell George MS – the Shadow Minister for Economy, Transport and Mid Wales – has backed calls from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)...

Welsh Conservative comment on pupils returning to classrooms

Commenting on today’s announcement about pupils returning to school, Suzy Davies MS – the Shadow Minister for Education – commented: “We supported the December lockdown...

End the farcical money-go-round of schools business rates

Welsh Conservatives have called for what they describe as the “farcical money-go-round” of school business rates to be scrapped so that the cash can...

Welsh Conservatives would re-establish the WDA to get Wales on the...

In the Welsh Conservatives’ first major manifesto announcement, Russell George MS, the Shadow Minister for Economy and Transport has outlined plans to re-establish the...

Shadow Minister for Equalities welcomes decision on medals for dismissed LGBT...

Laura Anne Jones MS – the Shadow Minister for Equalities – has endorsed the announcement made today (February 16) by Prime Minister Boris Johnson...

Shadow Minister comments on coal tips report

Janet Finch-Saunders MS – the Shadow Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs – is concerned at the report into coal tips in Wales,...

Clarity needed over blanket Covid DNACPR notices for learning disabled persons

Welsh Conservatives have reacted with concern to a news story in which Mencap said it received reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they...

Labour has not come clean over £58m received for cladding replacement

Laura Anne Jones MS – the Shadow Housing Minister – has called on Labour to clarify how some £58 million it received from the...

North Wales Shadow Minister welcomes Wockhardt vaccine jobs announcement

Mark Isherwood MS – the Shadow Minister for North Wales – has welcomed the news that the UK Government’s International Trade Secretary, Liz Truss...

Farming unions’ letter ‘an indictment of Labour’s mismanagement’

A joint letter from NFU Cymru, the Farmers' Union of Wales (FUW) and Wales YFC calling on the Labour Minister for Environment, Energy, and...

Labour describes as ‘petty point scoring’ the need for cancer and...

During First Minister's Questions yesterday (February 9), Andrew RT Davies MS – the Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader – cited the shocking report from Macmillan...

Labour government sitting on £655m of unallocated funds to tackle pandemic

According to the Welsh Fiscal Analysis report, the Labour Government has failed to spend £655 million of funding provided by the UK Government to...

Labour suggests putting ‘low-carbon diets’ on the menu to achieve carbon...

Janet Finch-Saunders MS – the Shadow Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs – has broadly welcomed the Welsh Government's ambition to achieve carbon net...

Opportunity to rebuild Wales after the pandemic ‘must not be missed’

Ahead of today's draft budget debate, the Shadow Minister for Finance – Mark Isherwood MS – has said that Labour must not miss the...

Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader comments as 5,000 lives are lost to...

Andrew RT Davies MS, the Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Senedd, has expressed his condolences as the sad milestone of 5,000 lives...

Welsh Conservatives voice concern over low vaccine take up in BAME...

Welsh Conservative Senedd leader Andrew RT Davies has welcomed encouragement aimed at people in BAME (black, Asian, and minority ethnic) communities to take up...