
cbdMD UK
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Short Business Description
We are one of the few CBD UK stores that offer a diverse range of items in a variety of sizes and shapes. To ensure that you receive only the best, all of the items we distribute are laboratory checked. Before you try, we suggest that you look online and do some research. Shop our full line of CBD goods and contact our friendly customer service team with any questions. We have a plan.
Long Business Description

We are one of the few CBD UK stores that offer a diverse range of items in a variety of sizes and shapes. To ensure that you receive only the best, all of the items we distribute are laboratory checked. Before you try, we suggest that you look online and do some research. Shop our full line of CBD goods and contact our friendly customer service team with any questions. We have a plan.

As one of the UK’s largest CBD distributors. Oils, vape products, skincare products, and capsules are only a few of the items in our vast collection. We have a CBD product for every need!

We’re picky about the goods and labels we have on hand. We only work with the finest and most trustworthy brands to find the best and highest quality products. We also conduct random testing on all CBD products we receive to ensure their protection and effectiveness before putting them on the market.

If you have any concerns, you can contact our customer service team, which is extremely knowledgeable about CBD. During regular working hours, you can talk with us or call us. If you need some help with your shopping or CBD stuff, we’re just a phone call away.

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cbdMD UK
Business Address
310, Elizabeth Mill, Reddish, Stockport
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Short Business Description
CBDPlus es una tienda autorizada en la venta de productos regulados de CBD como aceite, cremas o infusiones.
Long Business Description

En CBDPlus encontrarás las mejores marcas que producen cannabidiol de forma orgánica, natural y con la mayor concentración de aceite extraído de la planta.
Nuestros aceites de CBD y derivados contienen un porcentaje de THC inferior al máximo que se permite en España: 0,2%. La calidad de todos nuestros productos es gracias a que proceden de plantas cultivadas sin químicos, pesticidas o herbicidas. Así, cuentan con las mismas garantías y beneficios para la salud.
Cada vez son más las personas que deciden paliar dolores de forma natural con los productos de CBD. Cada uno de nuestros aceites y cremas ayudar a reducir problemas de ansiedad, estrés o calmar dolores provocados por hacer ejercicio o frutos de una lesión. Además, no solo son para personas. En CDB Plus tenemos un amplio abanico de productos para mascotas.
Hay que tener en cuenta que los productos no son medicamentos y no curan enfermedades. Por lo que recomendamos que antes de iniciar a tomarlo, hay que consultar con un médico.
Consigue los mejores productos derivados de cáñamo 100% legal en una compra segura y rápida con envíos en 24/48 horas.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
+ 34 683 345 834
Business Tags
Business Address
Plaza de San Cristóbal, 14 – Alicante